Star Wars POLL

Wich one is the best SW movie?

  • Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • Star Wars Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1982)

    Votes: 8 18.2%
  • All sucks

    Votes: 8 18.2%

  • Total voters
Star Wars is pretty much Children of Bodom because everyone whines about the new stuff not being as good as the first three.

New movies rely on CGI, while the past movies relied on storytelling. I don't feel like analyzing the Star Wars movies right now tho... there's goods and bads. I kinda liked the scene where Anakin lit his light saber to kill the children, and I liked some light saber duels, and how Anakin turned to the dark side... there's little flashy graphic details, but the difference is you can't remember them, but you can remember scenes that trigger an emotion. It's all about the past of Obi Wan and Darth Vader really. But I'd say the original Star Wars had more climatic feeling around them, while the new stuff was like too much CGI and pointless shit going on. I really can't be bothered to watch obvious CGI characters fuck around. I like CGI when it's used for creating a personal graphic style and creating things like space voyages that you just can't do otherwise. Movie industry (as well as video game industry) has made a mistake in putting more emphasis on graphics than storytelling, music and atmosphere. I think the new Star Wars movies were carefully made to make the original Star Wars movies seem even more interesting - everything tied in nicely. I can't remember much of anything about the new movies... the first one definitely sucked hard. It was interesting how that guy turned into the Emperor somehow by killing the black guy jedi with his dark force that manifested as energy (it was an interesting way to portray what it does to you and to express how it will consume Anakin if he strives to use it to gain back his loved one) but it was weird and it's kind of lame to know he has a regular past like any human. Definitely not as badass character as Roy the Reaper...
no matter the subject there is always a wall from joonas....

You say you put effort in other more important matters of life instead of playing guitar.....well we rather see you post a wall of covers you play from CoB then litterally bore yourself to the point where walls of text like the above seem ok and fun to do...
Empire Strikes Back...because stupid Rebels are too mainstream.:Smokedev:

And the scene where Vader crushes the Rebels in their base on fuckin' scene.
Somebody needs to start up the next album thread, cause this forum has gone to shit lately.