Star Wars Poll

What is your favourite Star Wars Episode?

  • Episode I - The Phantom Menace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Episode II - Attack of The Clones

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Episode III - Revenge of The Sith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Episode IV - A New Hope

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Episode VI - Return of The Jedi

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Huge Member
Feb 13, 2008
Pretty straight forward, vote for your favorite episode in the saga.
Mine is "Return of The Jedi". No questions asked.
Empire, no doubt dawg. jedi is fooking awesome, but empire twats it. Luke in training, yoda being hilarious, that uneasiness all way through it where you just know by the end of it that thing's aren't going to be good, bespin and lando, luke and vaders awesome epic fight, and the fact that it was made by irvin kerschner who made robocop 2!!!!

although jedi has the speeder chase which is class. but the campy emperor and ewoks pull that film down. god i fucking love star wars.
hahaha robocop 2, thats campy right there.

But yeah I love Jedi for many reasons, as you said the speeder chase is awesome and i love the opening, the original one, not the one with the fuckin weirdo alien dance thing that they stuck there in the special edition. I just love Jabba, the rancor,the sarlac pit, Leia in a bikini, green lightsaber. The incredible space battle at the end.
And the fight scene between luke and vader as the emperor watches. and I like my emperor's campy. haha

Who doesnt love Star Wars??!!:kickass:
i'm stuck between 4 and 5. they're equally good in my humble but correct opinion. however 4 was the one that begn the fervor, it was the one that made a generation simultaniously piss themselves saying " holy shit! this is the greatest film of all time"
episodes 1, 2, and 3 can go fuck themselves.

its all george lucas showing us how he has the power to fuck up something that important! i cannot put into words how disappointed i was seeing phantom menace, darth maul aside, hes bloody excellent. but why would the world they're all in many years before episodes 4, 5, and 6 be more technologically advanced????? that bugs me.

hayden bloody christensen is a worse actor than keanu reeves, a character thats supposed to become darth vader, ultimate arsekicker, should have been played by someone who doesnt act like a child thats been slapped dead hard.

when attack of the clones came out i thought it might get better, when anakin slaughters all them tusken raiders, quality, that was well done, then it became a crappy love story and bummed itself unconscious.

this is the short version of all this by the way, i actually went to the first midnight screening of revenge of the sith, dudes dressed up as vader and anakin fighting each other etc.... good fun. then the film started, best thing about it is john williams, genius, he may have lifted loads of his stuff from other classical pieces but no denying hes damn good, he makes star wars "star wars". the film is too boring for words, everything was CGI, whats wrong with building actual sets and using matte painting? AND FUCKING ANAKIN SKYWALKER............ "hey anakin, fancy being on the dark side?"............... "erm yeah sure why not" so much for this "journey" to the dark side. and general grievous, such an awesome design, such a good character, ruined by him coughing all the time, he should have been evil as balls!!! fair enough hes supposed to have been twatted previously, but HAVE IT IN THE FILM!!!!!

fucking ridiculous.

and to top it all off........

"what happened to padme?"

"it appears you killed her in your anger"


fuck off george lucas. fuck off. kingdom of the crystal skull? indiana jones always getting caught? helping villians throughout the entire film? completely wasting the genius that is john hurt!!!!??surviving a nuclear blast in a fridge? shia lebouf swinging through trees with monkeys? everything new eats cock.

and exhale....
You should have been cast for anakin matt, you seem very tense and angry haha.

Yeah, Theres bit and bobs I like from episode I, II and III. I wanted to kill myself when I watched that fuckin kid in episode I, soooooooo bad. However I just love all the sword play in this one, Darth Maul is fuckin metal! and the whole battle is incredible. Episode II totally blows fo me, and III is ok but yeah I didnt like how they told the story either, and ists too much fuckin cgi, like nothing is ever real......even after episode II they made yoda CGI.......................................................WTF?
haha it just winds me up to see things you like so much end up being wasted....

one of the best filmed things though is darth mauls entrance to the dual duel in episode 1 when the doors open and he's just stood there...... thats ACE.
ep 1 is by far the best of te 'new trilogy' but i've got to agree with you matt, lucas screwed with my childhood when he made ep's 2 and 3. like i said, 1 not so much. i was 9 at the time and loved it, i saw it recently and i still do. they had genuine sets, guys in costumes, and kickass scoreing. it had much more of the 70s-80s starwars vibe. i still wish i could have been there and lived through it when they first came out. one of my friend's mom went a literal 47 times when a new hope came out.
haha it just winds me up to see things you like so much end up being wasted....

one of the best filmed things though is darth mauls entrance to the dual duel in episode 1 when the doors open and he's just stood there...... thats ACE.

Yeah I think that whole fight scene with qui gon, obi wan and darth maul is the best part of the new trilogy, and the music!!!!!
haha it just winds me up to see things you like so much end up being wasted....

That's why I'm praying they drop the ongoing retarded idea to make an A-Team film. You CAN'T have other people playing the A-Team, the A-Team are the Fucking A-Team you fuckwits! :mad:

I quite liked some of Episode III... the second half with the big fight and the lava and stuff was pretty good. Though I agree about CGI, it's way overused, older films look better! And don't get me started on Indy... The newest Rambo film was, however, fucking awesome :cool:
exactly! you just can't do justice to the A-team, it was 80's and rubbish but we were kids then so didn't notice anything wrong with it haha. whatever they do with it will just be balls.

it's all just comic book/graphic novel/REMAKE ggggrrrrrr films now.... anyway this is about star wars.

the thing that makes star wars is the scoring, without john williams score it wouldn't be half as good. and the effects still look incredible, because theyre models, theyre real things, actual light, actual look and feel.... you cant do that with CGI, well they DEFINITELY couldnt in episodes 1 2 and 3.....
I love IV, V and VI too. I havn't seen III yet but Ive heard its a desecration. I think my favourite is Return Of The Jedi though because of the space battle. There's so much going on you see something new every time you watch it.

And who can forget Princess Leia in THAT bikini.
Jedi is goin up! yeah bitches! :lol:

I rewatched Indy 4 on the plane and........theres some parts I like but theres so many ridiculous ones that it just ends up being crap.
yep. empire it is, it has the perfect tone. star wars is more of an old school romantic adventure, it just happens to be in space and have lasers, but empire FEELS completely different, it's more serious, it plays it straight..... it's grander, larger in scope, and it has yoda being a hilarious bastard.
i have a theory. i believe that it is harrison ford's presence that makes the origional starwars films so bad ass, and i think he is at his most bad ass in empire. coencidence?