Stargate Atlantis cancelled after this season!


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis

Apparently we're gonna get a few movies out of the deal though.

Wonder what the status of that 3rd stargate series is at this point. :cry:
It's something to do with a stargate on a spaceship that travels to planets without stargates HEY GUYS WE'RE WANNABE STAR TREK 9TH CHEVRON IS FOR SPACESHIPS
I liked Atlantis a heck of a lot more than SG1.
I always thought SGI should have ended many years before it did. I liked the creepy vampire-dudes in Atlantis, it just seems they stalled a bit in progressing the overall stories.
also, Stargate: Atlantis was rubbish so good riddance.
I agree... although one small loss:


:( It was its time, its gone to a better place.
I like the Willow look a lot more.