Startovarius - a prediction for this September

I don't consider myself a real big Strato fan, but I do like a good number of the tunes that were voted the best live tunes. I'm taking it that if they play a set anything close to this I will be fairly pleased.



The Fans Have Spoken

black diamond: 286 votes
destiny: 241 votes
hunting high and low: 230 votes
father time: 215 votes
forever: 199 votes
speed of light: 196 votes
paradise: 195 votes
eagleheart: 184 votes
sos: 184 votes
the kiss of judas: 184 votes
visions: 170 votes
i walk to my own song: 164 votes
phoenix: 164 votes
against the wind: 163 votes
twilight symphony: 162 votes
forever free: 160 votes
season of change: 159 votes
distant skies: 149 votes
JayKeeley said:
Somewhere in their set list is "4000 Rainy Nights" just to remind us why Whitesnake were such a cool band once upon a time. :cool:

Doesn't the conventional prog wisdom use QR instead of WS?

I'm surprised at the list though that BOTH Hunting High and Low and Eagleheart made the list. I remember when Infinite and Elements Pt 1 was released everyone complained about those that they sounded too poppy and that Eagleheart was like a HH&L clone.

I hope they do one of them, but not both! But I hope they do a full version of Destiny! Last tour they were merging with other songs for this like 4-song melody, but we want the full thing! (Not counting their last couple shows after breakup)

And it's the perfect song to end the festival with!
There are definitely some cool songs on Elements, but no where near the best. I personally think Paradise is an awesome song, starts off identically like Maiden, but still a great song. I personally can't believe "Abyss Of Your Eyes" isn't on that list, that song is simply brilliant.
longshot9 said:
I personally think Paradise is an awesome song, starts off identically like Maiden, but still a great song.

That's one of my problems with it -- it's too much like Iron Maiden. Nevertheless, riff cloning aside, the lyrics are just un-fucking-forgivable:

Late at night I find myself again wondering and watching tv.
I can't believe what's on the screen, something that I wouldn't care to see.
Many rare species will perish soon and we'll be short on food.
Why do we have to be so selfish, we've got to change our attitude.


Those lyrics make Malmsteen's lyrics look good.

Still, obviously I'm in the minority because it garnered so many votes. I guess people aren't fussed about lyrics when it comes to Maiden tribute songs. If they do play it, I'll just ignore the singing and pretend it's "22 Acacia Avenue". :loco:
Which song of theirs sounds like a Queensryche song? I'm not a Strato fan, so I wouldn't remeber the name, but I heard a song of theirs that sounded like NM156 or Screaming In Digital...if I remember right.
4000 Rainy Nights is a tribute to QR??? Well, it's not a very good one is it!? :loco:

If there is one song that needs a video of Tawny Kittaen back on the hood of a car and writhing around in white underpants, 4000 Rainy Nights is it.