state of euphoria


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
I know everyone seems to not like this record, the band included. But I love it, but it was also the first album I heard that made me fall in love with the band. Be all end all, who cares wins (GREAT video), Finale, Now it's dark, I love all of these songs. I just wish John was singing them instead. I know the band regrets their image at the time, but that was what I liked about them when I first saw them as a kid, their image. They had a comedical, humorous edge about them that no other metal band had, especially heavy bands, and I thought that was great. I love the riffs and guitar sound, and Charlie's drumming is awesome as always. What do ya'll dislike the most?
Exactly what Lordlindsey said.

Oh, and Make Me Laugh is a crappy song - I just cannot stand Joey's singing, especially the "Spreeeaaad the word" lines.
if it were not for someone lending me that album i wouldnt be anthrax fan today,i listened to that album practially for 2 years,it never left my cd player,the only reason anthrax are critical of it is because alot of fans didnt like the circus they were becoming and there image backfired!

a verfy solid album i think and it still holds up today,outta all the belladonna albums i would play state the most.
SOE rocks ... same with me - was my first Thrax album (after the I'm the Man EP) ... just wish the fucker was recorded louder thats all! Its such a quiet album production wise.

I'm 13!!!
Still love this album! BTW, last year at a Testament gig I talked to the sound-guy who, as it turned out, had been involved in recording of this LP. He also was on the Anthrax tour crew for 15 years. His name escapes me...I'll check it for you.
Today I still like SOE because I can listen to it and it makes me feel like a kid again. That may be why I don't care that Antisocial was a cover song. I didn't care in the 80's and it doesn't bother me now. I actually picked up a Trust live album back then, but took more pleasure from the Anthrax version.
My first EVER gig:
Anthrax and Suicidal, on the Road to Euphoria tour! I was 12. Changed my life (hahaha, corn city!!!!)

SOE was the first record I heard too, back at the lower end of middle school! It's the record (along with perhaps "...puppets") that got me into Anthrax and metal in general.

I think SOE has Charlie's BEST drumming (style and soundwise) ever (that snare fill at the last chorus of "Who Cares..." still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!!!) In fact, I remember when I first heard WC4UA, the first thing that hit me when I was really digging into the technical aspects of what everyone was playing was thta this is Charlie's best playing since SOE.

I think I'm gonna go home and listen to Euphoria tonight!
DarbysDad said:
Jesus you guys are young I was 20 when SOE came out.
I was 3 :grin:

anyway, it's not my fave from them (3rd fave, actually), but has some of my fave anthrax songs (Be All End All and Misery Loves Company)
After SOE was released I interned at Criteria Studios where Anthrax originally wanted to record the album but was told that the studio they wanted was booked. They were then sent to Quadradio to record it. It wasn't booked but rather, Criteria in as nice as a way as i can put it was(is?) "picky". I had the 'I'm the Man' keychain when the story was relayed to me in the lounge one day and asking me If listened to that "kind of stuff". Coincidentally, I thought I got a cheap keychain because Dan Spitz eye looked fucked up. Oops!
I was TEN! Actually it was my first Anthrax album which I got on vinyl when my grandma bought it for me in Austria. It´s interesting but I actually listened to it like two weeks ago after we´d discussed it with my buddy Jackfromczech and hey, it´s pretty good, I mean, I think Charlie has done the best job ever on this album! There are some unbelievable and practically unplayable (what´s this word, man :)) tricks. But some of the songs are too long and way too complicated, could have been much shorter...and Joey is the weakest link. But you find some K-I-L-L-E-R shit there.