stats for thursday, 4/17


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
Temperature, in Degrees Farenheit: 35
"Realfeel" Temperature, in Degrees Farenheit: 26
# of times I left my house this morning: 2
# of busses I saw pull away as I left my house: 2
Distance covered to work before I realized I forgot my medicine: half
# of minutes late to work: 30
Gigs of data deleted by me this morning off the office shared drive: 1.3
well that's the thing, she works her ass off for a non-profit. they had their budget slashed and have not recieved some grant money that they were supposed to get. Also the boss (FalseTodd will vouch) is a horrible horrible manager as well as being the mother of one of Ann's best friends. so it's like a living hell right now for her, and whenever she complains this ho is all "I need you to be doing this for more than the money Ann" WHAT MONEY!? THERE IS NO MONEY!!! SHE'S DOING IT FOR MORE THAN THE MONEY YOU CRAZY PSYCHO HOSE BEAST!

They are independantly wealthy too so she isn't missing her checks. Meanwhile I am paying all the rent/bills this month.
well, i mean, did they give her written verification that she'd be paid retroactively, or will she not be? that is such an awful sticky situation because who knows how long it could go on? half our grants were lost here because of weird budget crap and post 9/11 (they blame 9/11 for everything now) thingies. our grants writer looks frazzled and worn out. and i mean, how can you pay all the rent for much longer?
independently wealthy people forget that other people are poor as dirt. the bastards.
she should check out AIDS action maybe? since jenna moved on my connects there probably aren't strong enough to leverage any pull for her, but if she's interviewing with certain people i could tell her drunk stories about them she can throw back in their faces.
amount of work i did today: 20 mins
amount of time the cat barfed this a.m. : 4 times
amount of times i cursed the cat out: 4 times