Stereo guitar output?


Oct 31, 2009

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find a topic on it. Do you guys think that this kind of setup makes sense? I mean, I always figured that the subtle differences between two takes are what makes us double- or quad-track guitars, not just the fact that there's one guitar playing in each channel. Isn't what this guy suggests essentially equal to copying and pasting a take in your DAW?

PS: No, it's not, cause he recorded both the neck and bridge pickup, but I'm still curious.

Here's a sample with the "stereo guitar":
That's no different than using the middle position on the pickup selector switch.

He still is not capturing the slight in and out phase nuances of having a guitarist play the same thing twice, which is what makes multiple tracks desirable to our ears.
I cant see the point of a stereo output on a guitar.

I have often wondered why theres never been a guitar with a balanced output connection though.
I cant see the point of a stereo output on a guitar.

I have often wondered why theres never been a guitar with a balanced output connection though.

I may be wrong here, but I think its got a lot to do with impedance matching. Its high gain/line/instrument vs. Mic/balanced. I think a guitars tone would probably sound lifeless with a balanced output. But I do agree, it would be interesting to hear what it sounds like.
Makes more sense to do that with bass like Rickenbacker has done for decades. That way you can put the neck pickup into a round amp and the bridge to a sharper and distorted amp for tracking. I have my P/J bass setup that way and it's great. But for GTR ... why?