Stern, Bush, FCC, and Janets Boob


Jan 4, 2004
Las Vegas
What started with a flash (parden the pun) seemed to snowball into a complete attack on our constitutional right of free speech. What I thought was a publicity stunt from a washed up hag now turns to the Bushs biblethumping cronies waging a war against everything they deem "dirty".
Now all of a sudden the FCC has all the power to tell us who or what we can or cant listen to. Stern (love him or hate him) is now in the crosshairs of the FCC, whats next after him? I think now would be a perfect time for Pres. Milano.
Politicz,politics,and politics.wut the fuck iz goin on thiz country, people trying to take away the rights that our four-fathers fought for. Trying to rewrite the constitution ,jezuz christ,. Milano do sumthing!!!!!
Yawl Shuud Ruun Fo Preziden An Chit ,yo Ima Teya Yawl Gess Ma Vot Chek Idz,aye Wuud Teawl Awl Da Metal Bruthaz Tu Vot Fo Ya,yo Chek Idz Wule Yawl Be Ad Ids,yo Leegaleyez Da 420 Yawl Noe Wuti Mene ?

N.w.p. - Niggaz Wif "p-e-n-t-a-g-r-a-m-z"
The13thCandle said:
What started with a flash (parden the pun) seemed to snowball into a complete attack on our constitutional right of free speech. What I thought was a publicity stunt from a washed up hag now turns to the Bushs biblethumping cronies waging a war against everything they deem "dirty".
Now all of a sudden the FCC has all the power to tell us who or what we can or cant listen to. Stern (love him or hate him) is now in the crosshairs of the FCC, whats next after him? I think now would be a perfect time for Pres. Milano.
Where have you been? What in the Hell do you think the FCC is set up for? So they want to protect the decency of ordinary folk during the daytime hours, big deal. You can still choke your chicken to Cinemax after 10 pm. If Howard Stern wanted to set up his own television talk show on HBO, he could talk about whatever the fuck he wanted to. This has absolutly shit to do with the constitution or anyones freedom of speech. If your mommy's will let you stay up past 10 you can induldge in all the decadence you want. This is more an attempt to prevent this great country from becoming a socialist shithole without moral structure.
Yo Imma Teya Yawl Gosa Guud Poinnt An Chit,amerikkka Gos Ta Qwitte Worreein Bowt Wut Evaboddee Ealse Bee Duin An Worree Bowt Demselfz An Chit.cuz Yawl Noe Wut? Yo Chek Idz Ain Nobodde Reezonsibel Fo Yo Akshenz Sept Yoselves An Chit.sted Ov Makun Lawz Tu Prevente Dis Chit Happenun , Y Don't Dey Stawt Makin Lawz Dat Helpa Brutha Owt Mo,so Wee Ain Alwyze Cussun An Chit? Dam Yawl Disbea Fuked Cuntree An Chit..............

Yo Crushin Yawl Shudd Bee Vise Preziden Tu Bille An Bille Shuud Bee Preziden Yawl Heelp Clene Upda Cuntree -werd!!!!1

N.w.p. Proud!
Where have you been? What in the Hell do you think the FCC is set up for? So they want to protect the decency of ordinary folk during the daytime hours, big deal. You can still choke your chicken to Cinemax after 10 pm. If Howard Stern wanted to set up his own television talk show on HBO, he could talk about whatever the fuck he wanted to. This has absolutly shit to do with the constitution or anyones freedom of speech. If your mommy's will let you stay up past 10 you can induldge in all the decadence you want. This is more an attempt to prevent this great country from becoming a socialist shithole without moral structure.
right on man, you said it all :headbang:
Actually freedom of speech and the constitution iz in effect 24 hours aday, no one should have to wait till 10:00, or have hbo,it'z beeen like that forever thatz why he never got in thiz much heat before, dipshit
Where have you been? What in the Hell do you think the FCC is set up for? So they want to protect the decency of ordinary folk during the daytime hours, big deal. You can still choke your chicken to Cinemax after 10 pm. If Howard Stern wanted to set up his own television talk show on HBO, he could talk about whatever the fuck he wanted to. This has absolutly shit to do with the constitution or anyones freedom of speech. If your mommy's will let you stay up past 10 you can induldge in all the decadence you want. This is more an attempt to prevent this great country from becoming a socialist shithole without moral structure
Ok lets go through your statement, I'll type slow in case you cant read fast.
::protect the decency of ordinary folk...:: Well if Stern is #1 in almost all his markets, it seems that us "ordinary folk" have no problem with it. Hell theres been things on his show I dont agree with, and if I do get offended by something, tough shit my fault, I tuned in. If I dont want to hear it, I throw in a tape.
::You can still choke your chicken to Cinemax after 10 pm.:: Thats a classy statement while trying to make your point.
::This has absolutly shit to do with the constitution or anyones freedom of speech:: Or does it? What makes you so sure?
::If your mommy's will let you stay up past 10 you can induldge in all the decadence you want.:: Ok this must be a jab at my screenname, The 13th candle, First I havent been 13 for 25 years, It comes from a Bathory song 13 candles, btw My moms been dead for 24 years.
::This is more an attempt to prevent this great country from becoming a socialist shithole without moral structure:: Well I see it as Bush mixing goverment and religion.
Freedom of speech, as long as nobody gets offended. whats next? Freedom of religion, as long as your Christian. and before you get the chance, Im not Jewish.
ReDNeCK ReVoLuTioNaRy said:
Actually freedom of speech and the constitution iz in effect 24 hours aday, no one should have to wait till 10:00, or have hbo,it'z beeen like that forever thatz why he never got in thiz much heat before, dipshit
Still has nothing to do with freedom of speech or the constitution. He and his network have been fined before. It just so happens that the fines have gone up to a half a million dollars and his shenanigans don't seem worth the risk anymore. That's why he never got in this much heat, dipshit. Please educate yourself before speaking to me. Hey, try working in a public place and telling the customer what a stupid piece of shit they are, or that their kid is the ugliest child you have ever seen. You just may get fired. But wait, your constitutional rite of spitting whatever minless obscenities to whomever you want has been infringed upon! You know what, take it court and see what happens. Howard Stern was employed. His employer can hire him, fire him, suspend him and do what they wish. Especially if his bahavior can bring forth lawsuits, fines, even complaints from the people. Period.

So you can't wait until 10 pm to spank the monkey to "Emmanuell In Aghanistan"? You think obscenities, vulgarity and nudity should flood the airwaves 24-7? Bad news for you pal, a vast majority of Americans don't. In this society we live in, people have decided that they are more civilized than this, we have higher standards and the FCC is in place so that the interests of the vast majority of the people and their CHILDREN are well kept. Answer this, Sparky... Is there anything that should be off limits? Should there be anything left out of direct access from children in this country (please let us see the answer to this one so we it have on record)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you've completly contadicted yourself. Oh yeah, DIPSHIT!

Anybody who's not a complete "dipshit" knows that Stern has declared some piddly-ass cockfight agaist George Bush, hence the entire point of this thread. His argument is that Bush didn't like the things Stern was saying about him, so Bush with the help of clear channel radio pulled the plug on his show. Just A few flaws to all of this. Stern was only aired on 6 of 1200 clear channel stations. Secondly, if Bush wanted to fuck with the people who were saying horrible things about him, wouldn't he have cut all federal funding to NPR?!?!?

Please, sit down.
The13thCandle said:
I'll type slow in case you cant read fast.
It's okay, I wasn't waiting here for a reply. I'm a working man. Instead, I'll accept the fact that you typed slowly as you had no other choice.

Read my previous post.
It's pretty darn good!
I did read it and you do make some valid points but where we disagree is how much you want to let the goverment run your life. Yes Stern was fined before, but you failed to mention that he requested to go to court to see if the charges were indeed obscene. The FCC, instead of going to court, strongarmed his employer into paying basically by withholding necessary paperwork for them to run their business. Papers that were needed to purchase other stations were "lost" , causing them to not be able to buy them but after the "fine" was paid they all of a sudden were found. Also if you knew anything about it, the "fine" was changed to a "contribution" and they admitted no wrongdoing, which was agreed to by the FCC. But it was paid so they can continue their business. The only time the FCC went to court was over the "7 dirty words", and I havent heard any of them on his show.
Shouldnt it be up to parents to raise the kids not the goverment? If I have my daughter in the car with me, I do not listen to Stern. Why. Because I dont feel kids should listen to it. But I feel he has the right to be on the air and do his show. I thought republicans were for having less goverment in peoples lives? I, too, am a working man and I bust my ass to give my family a good life. I may not have a 2 story mansion and 2 vettes in the garage, but we have it pretty damn good. Whats gonna happen after the obscenity laws possibly change, the world will become one big happy family, everyday is sunny and 80*, All war will end, no crime, no poor? Nope, they will find another target then another and another. Pretty soon the will be fining the weather channel for saying the wind was blowing.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
The13thCandle said:
I did read it and you do make some valid points but where we disagree is how much you want to let the goverment run your life. Yes Stern was fined before, but you failed to mention that he requested to go to court to see if the charges were indeed obscene. The FCC, instead of going to court, strongarmed his employer into paying basically by withholding necessary paperwork for them to run their business. Papers that were needed to purchase other stations were "lost" , causing them to not be able to buy them but after the "fine" was paid they all of a sudden were found. Also if you knew anything about it, the "fine" was changed to a "contribution" and they admitted no wrongdoing, which was agreed to by the FCC. But it was paid so they can continue their business. The only time the FCC went to court was over the "7 dirty words", and I havent heard any of them on his show.
Shouldnt it be up to parents to raise the kids not the goverment? If I have my daughter in the car with me, I do not listen to Stern. Why. Because I dont feel kids should listen to it. But I feel he has the right to be on the air and do his show. I thought republicans were for having less goverment in peoples lives? I, too, am a working man and I bust my ass to give my family a good life. I may not have a 2 story mansion and 2 vettes in the garage, but we have it pretty damn good. Whats gonna happen after the obscenity laws possibly change, the world will become one big happy family, everyday is sunny and 80*, All war will end, no crime, no poor? Nope, they will find another target then another and another. Pretty soon the will be fining the weather channel for saying the wind was blowing.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

"Howard Stern was employed. His employer can hire him, fire him, suspend him and do what they wish. Especially if his bahavior can bring forth lawsuits, fines, even complaints from the people. Period."

This is all you really needed to take from my last speil.

It would be nice if all parents could raise their children. The sad reality is that many of them can't. Not all parents are responsible and if you go into some parts of the inner-city many kids don't have a chance. If every parent did a dandy job of raising their children, we would not have CPS and foster homes wouldn't be tapped out all across the country.

I'm not for big government, I'm just trying to interpret what the government is doing. I am for employers having every rite to fire anyone who could bring forth any sort of controversy or legal preoblems to their business. Want to talk about someone who never used the 7 dirty words? Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh has been fired 5 or 6 times. The guy has been fired for being too conservative. His words have never brought forth any sort of fines, but the controversy of his speech has resulted in his employment being terminated in the past. And his employers were well within their rites to do so!

If anyone beleives a New England liberal is going to have less a hand in the government than Bush, they're fooling themselves. The first thing he wants to if he becomes Pres. is stick his hands into everyones pockets. His voting record is more liberal than Ted Kennedy's. Think those are going to be good times? Hopefully we'll never find out.