Steve Irwin RIP

loved your shows growing up
i just watched you on a re run of Andrew Denton and you were an icon mate, a bloody icon.
I feel sorry for the guys wife and kids.
Heartbreaking this is. I feel for his wife and children. She lost a fantastic man, and the kids lost an amazing father.

R.I.P Steve Irwin.
I knew one day that bloke would get too “adventurous” with animals. I don’t why everyone is so shocked about it…he was constantly aggravating things which really don’t like to be messed with.

Im sure he was a nice guy and did stuff for conservation, but he was constantly breaking the first rule of field biology.
Ok, I'm gonna catch hell for this one, but I don't really care. I spend more time choosing socks in the morning then worrying about who likes me at UM.

Why is everyone so surprised that this happened? This guy made a living working with dangerous animals. Yes, the fact that it was a stingray and not a croc is a bit strange, but still, you spend enough time in the waters off of Australia, and something deadly is bound to be interested in you sooner rather than later.

My father died last month of a heart attack. He also smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day for at least 40 of his 64 years. Was I sad? Sure. Was I surprised? Hell no. Not in the least. Nor am I surprised in this case.

And another thing... why are we so quick to martyr this guy and talk about how cool he was and what an amazing person he was. This guy's passion was to go into the domains of wild animals, and basically mess with them for our entertainment. Yes he helped some animals and yes we learned something. But, basically he was in it for the money and the fame. There's no reason to make him bigger than he actually was.

And I'm not even going to get into the stunt he pulled with his baby.

I am very sorry for those who looked up to him. I am sad for their loss. But let's keep things in perspective.
he was in it for the money and the fame? if the guy didnt get his paycheck every month, he would still do it just because its his life
Detric said:
he was in it for the money and the fame? if the guy didnt get his paycheck every month, he would still do it just because its his life

what is this "messing with field biology" you guys are talking about.
You talk about animals like they are a pre-evolved culture and "we musn't violate the prime directrive captian Kirk!"

Irwin was an entertainer, sure. But he was an adventurer. A real man. Amazing he lived so long.
Braighs said:

what is this "messing with field biology" you guys are talking about.
You talk about animals like they are a pre-evolved culture and "we musn't violate the prime directrive captian Kirk!"

Irwin was an entertainer, sure. But he was an adventurer. A real man. Amazing he lived so long.