Steve Irwin RIP

Braighs said:

what is this "messing with field biology" you guys are talking about.
You talk about animals like they are a pre-evolved culture and "we musn't violate the prime directrive captian Kirk!"

Irwin was an entertainer, sure. But he was an adventurer. A real man. Amazing he lived so long.

The problem i had with Irwin was that, he would go out and find some poor unfortunate snake and deliberately upset it for the sake of us viewers. The angrier it got, the more dramatic the footage.

We have no way of knowing how it affected that snake. Was it able to go out and catch prey after having to defend itself / get away from this huge monster holding its tail? Did it go hungry because it had no energy left after the encounter? Had Irwin actually contributed to its downfall?

This is why he was never taken seriously by many biologists. The first rule of field biology is to observe with as little impact upon the organism as possible.
The programs he made were sensationalist and not about the animals themselves, but about some mad fucker messing with them.

Lets not forget just how rich the man got because of all this...was he really the conservationalist warrior he would have us believe???
Sir David Attenborough has been making amazing documentaries for 50 odd years without having to go out and upset wildlife in the process. Pre-evolved culture? What a fucking ridiculous argument.
May I also point out that he died doing what he loved. How great is that? It's the same with Dale Earnhardt (another death that was not a tragedy, although eveyone used that word).

At least Kir and I are on the same page.
Humans do way to many horrible things to the environment to have me worried about some snake's mental or physical health.

We eat animals, so why not fuck with them a bit?
Rattlesnake meat is a little tough, but it goes down fine.
Black Racer is just too tough, avoid.

No, he wasn't a good biologist, but he wasn't afraid to get his hand's dirty, and I respect him for that.

I respect your opinion, but we are coming on the argument from different angels. As this has nothing to do with music, I quit.
No, I totally agree with you - because you use more appropriate language. You recognize his flaws and don't blow things out of perspective.
lol @ irwin living that dangerous a life. A lot of the crocs and other animals were first exausted before the cameras even started rolling. Then he jumps em and supposedly has an epic deadly fight with em. Thats what I call a man.

Still, I liked the guy

Kir-ir-Bannog said:
The problem i had with Irwin was that, he would go out and find some poor unfortunate snake and deliberately upset it for the sake of us viewers. The angrier it got, the more dramatic the footage.

We have no way of knowing how it affected that snake. Was it able to go out and catch prey after having to defend itself / get away from this huge monster holding its tail? Did it go hungry because it had no energy left after the encounter? Had Irwin actually contributed to its downfall?

This is why he was never taken seriously by many biologists. The first rule of field biology is to observe with as little impact upon the organism as possible.
The programs he made were sensationalist and not about the animals themselves, but about some mad fucker messing with them.

Lets not forget just how rich the man got because of all this...was he really the conservationalist warrior he would have us believe???
Sir David Attenborough has been making amazing documentaries for 50 odd years without having to go out and upset wildlife in the process. Pre-evolved culture? What a fucking ridiculous argument.
Fuck the snake. The entertainment of millions of people is more important than the well-being of one snake IMO. Yeah, you read that right! And who cares if biologists didn't take him seriously. He was no biologist, he was an entertainer.
FRUGiHOYi said:
Fuck the snake. The entertainment of millions of people is more important than the well-being of one snake IMO. Yeah, you read that right! And who cares if biologists didn't take him seriously. He was no biologist, he was an entertainer.

and you are a fool. You obviously have no knowlege of ecosystems and how delicate they are.
Kir-ir-Bannog said:
and you are a fool. You obviously have no knowlege of ecosystems and how delicate they are.
I don't have that kind of knowledge, but I think it is common sense that there's no way that the death of one snake (if it even dies, which I doubt) would have any serious effect on the ecosystem. It might as well just have died from something else anyway.
its scary too. He died this morning, not yesterday or whatever day. He died today!!!

anyway.. R.I.P mate. Would have loved to meet you.
FRUGiHOYi said:
Fuck the snake. The entertainment of millions of people is more important than the well-being of one snake IMO. Yeah, you read that right! And who cares if biologists didn't take him seriously. He was no biologist, he was an entertainer.

Actually he was a pretty renowned biologist.
Crackfare said:
its scary too. He died this morning, not yesterday or whatever day. He died today!!!

anyway.. R.I.P mate. Would have loved to meet you.

wow, he must have been the only person on earth to die today!
Thousands of upon thousands of people die each and every day. Yes Irwin is dead and yes it is a tragedy for his family and he was too young to die, but young children are dying in africa every day and no one seems to care. I'm sorry, but if you asked a lot of people in Australia what they thought of Irwin a few days ago, most would of told you that he was a dickhead who put his baby at risk and made most Australians seem like thick morons with the language he used. Now that the guy is dead, a lot of people are letting their emotions getting the better of them and forgetting what they thought of him a few days ago. He did a lot of great things for animals, for Australia and the world and of course he deserves to be recognized. All I'm trying to say is that its okay to recognize the guy, just don't carry on like you know him and take his death too far. Having said that RIP.