Steve Smyth's playing

May 29, 2002
Queens, New York, USA
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Hey there everyone. I have a question about Steve's playing. I've never seen him live with Testament and frankly have never heard of him before he joined the band. There's no doubt he's a good player because he's following in the tradition of the previous players in the band.

So just clue me in on his playing style a bit. Is his picking very percussive like Jame's, does he put fusion, jazz or classical influences in his playing? Give me all the details you can huh.
His style is very melodic, with mostly progressive and some classical influences. He can be bluesy when he feels like it as well! I would say he qualifies as a "shredder".

His heroes are Randy Rhoads, Paul Gilbert, Akira Takasaki, John Petrucci, Steve Vai, Friedman/Becker, among others.

I'm not a musician, so forgive me if I'm not using the correct terminology :p.
Besides his great guitar playing, we all know he's a very technical
player. Steve's very into alot of different types of metal, he knows
what new bands are up & coming, he's turned me to alot of bands that I really like now. When I tell him I like some band, he'll say, "well if you like In Flames, then check out Arch Enemy"
then he will tell you their best album to check out, Steve's a Rock'n Roll encyclopedia. He knows whats happening out in the metal world, & his influences are all very today. He will get to show off his own stlye when the new TESTAMENT comes out!...........................................................:) :) :p :) :)
I saw him play at the House of Blues in Chicago and I was extremely impressed! I don't think I could build up the ability to play that technical, quick, and remain tight! I wish there were guitarists in my area with that much skill!