STEVE !! Wazzzzz up?


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2002
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Enjoyed your stay ? Unfortunatly i couldn't travvel to rotterdam or bladel due to work obligations. Hope you enjoyed your trip/the gigs/the girls/ etc....

It was at leats an absolute honor for me to arrange it...

Let me just say that Mr. Di won a small drinking contest against someone who was with us in Bladel and did a cool show afterwards nevertheless - I wouldn't have got my fingers move in case of drinking that much...but hey, I am no "professional":lol:

Greetings Steve - I'm not that sour, serious, sober German ass you must have thought I am...Cheers!
It's because I've got a bigger Beer Pontz!!!
There might be bassists that can out speed pick me, out arpeggiate me, out head bang me...but please...for your own good...don't challenge me to a drinking contest. You will never win me there. Pure domination. Especially beer, c'mon lads...years of suds; years of poor drunk bastards hugging the toilet wondering "how?"
Hehe , you should put that in your signature....:p :lol:
Damn , I always get sleepy (that kinda doubles the effect for me...:p ) if I've had too many beers , that's why I prefer Vodka :)
I prefer Vodka, too (Check out "Danzka" from Denmark in cool METAL-bottles...), even if I never gulp it without diluting it (Call me whimp). It's just because I get drunk too fast since I got rid of my "Bierpanz"...:D

By the way - Is it true that Testament will come over here in spring and if so, will you be with them Steve?