Steve W's Tour Diary Part 1 +2


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Day 1 - The departure
We left Southampton around 10am on Feb 15th. Myself, Simon Burrell (Merchandiser) and Paul Finnie (Stage Manager)
headed to Chievely services on the M4 to pick up the trailer for the bus in a rather cool nightliner from the guys at Nite Flite
We arrived in London around 1:30pm to pick up Steve Scott and Manuela Froelich (Tour manager) before heading to Century
Media to collect some equipment for the Firewind guys. From there we headed to Maidstone where we picked up our driver for
the journey, Billy, who turned out to be an absolute legend through out the tour.
We boarded the 7pm ferry at Dover and headed for Calais, consuming a rather good Roast Chicken dinner on the way. It was
pretty quiet on the way with just the five of us on board and I think everyone had hit the hay by midnight. According to Billy
we would be in Nancy by 5am.

Day 2 - Nancy/Pagney
When I woke up I discovered we were in a quaint little village as opposed to Nancy itself. Apparently we were about 20km
from Nancy. Alessio, Andrea, Francesco and Alessandro (guitar tech) arrived just after midday in time for a great lunch of
salad, bread, meat and cheese. They had to get a taxi from their hotel in Nancy, as Billy had run out of driving hours for the
day. The first show went really well considering we had no rehearsals before the tour and it was the first time we had played
with Alessio on guitar as well. We spent a longtime chatting with fans and I was the last one back on the bus (which was to
become a regular thing!) before we headed to a hotel for a quick shower.
Gus G, Bob and Petros from Firewind had joined us on our bus and we got on well from the word go, a friendship that would
go from strength to strength over the 3 week period. We left Nancy around 2:30am and headed for Strasbourg

Day 3 - Strasbourg
We arrived at the venue around 5:30am and load in began at 12. Our friend Chizzy had flown over for the show and she
agreed to help Simon and Manuela with the merchandise that night.
Another great reaction from the crowd and no soundcheck for us tonight. Again, a lot of people talking with us after the show
including Nikolas Krofka who was Helloween's tour manager when we played with them in 2006 so it was good to catch up
with him.
Excellent catering again today, both for lunch and dinner...even pizza after the show! Could get used to that! lol Back on the
bus the mood was excellent and by 3am we had all retired to our bunks as Billy headed for Riems.

Day 4 - Riems
Arrived in Riems overnight and when I awoke we were in a secure parking area right next to the venue. As per usual we
trooped into the venue around 12pm for some lunch. Another excellent catering day for us!
The local stage manager ensure soundchecks ran to time and as a result we got a great sound on stage and really cool
reception from the French crowd.
Alessio and Apollo were on interview duty after their respective sets, one for magazines and one for internet tv.
It was a quieter affair after the show as the people were herded out by security quite quickly. I also noticed less people
speaking any english here as well, but hey, why should they?

Day 5 - Strasbourg (Day Off)
We arranged to head back to Strasbourg for the day off as Billy and Manuela had arranged parking at the venue there, which
meant we had power for the bus as well.
We split up into various groups and headed around the city to see what we could find. We also met up with som e fans from
the show the other day which was cool.
A few beers and DVD's were the order of the day in the evening, by which time we had actually run out of water on the bus as
well. We left for Switzerland around 1 and crossed the Swiss border at 3am before we finally went to bed.

Day 6 - Pratteln
We woke up on what seemed like an industrial estate with a large cow shed next to where the bus was parked. Got us
thinking! Steve Scott had already told us what a great venue this place was and sure enough when we got inside we could see
what he meant. Excellent facilities and home made food on tap all day which was incredible. With Pratteln being so close to
the Swiss border, some people had come from France and Germany to this particular show. I remember it being particularly
loud that night and the crowd were right behind us from the word go. I watched all of Firewind's set as well and thoroughly
enjoyed it. We all had a bit of party backstage afterwards with the diehards still going at 4am. Day off tomorrow, so who cares?

Day 7 - Lyon (Day off)
I was up at 10:30 and everyone else surface gradually until by 3pm everyone was up. We all did different things today. Gus,
Petros and I went to a kebab shop for lunch while some of the others ventured into the city. In the vening Paul, Simon, Billy,
Bob, Gus and myself watched football in the local bar whilst Apollo, Manuela and the remaining guys went out to eat
elsewhere. I actually had an earlyish night tonight while Simon, Paul, Petros, Gus and Andrea kept the fires burning well into
the small hours.

Day 8 - Lyon
By now it will be no suprise to hear that I was the first up around 10am. things were getting pretty desperate on the "number
two" front so luckily the bar we were in last night was open early! Phew!!
Load in was pretty smooth despite the small stage and soundchecks were good, if a little short. The actual show itself was
probably the best yet. Really crazy crowd and there was even a mosh pit going on at one point. Never expected that one! We
also received a fantastic reception at the end of the set. We spent a lot of time talking with the fans after the show as ever which
we always enjoy.
The venue was exceptionally hot here, almost uncomfortable. You could see the walls dripping, which reminded me of the
PPUK warm up show in 2006. Special mention to the local crew here who were awesome and helped us out so much
throughout the day.
Once load in was complete and we had said our goodbyes, we headed for Paris.

Day 9 - Paris
Paris was a strange one in some ways, partly due to the parking regulations which meant the bus could not park at the venue.
Billy basically had to drop us and go. With 2 busses in the equation the whole thing had to be timed to perfection. As usual
Billy ensured we arrived first to load in and then he was off for 11 hours.
Today was particularly busy for Simon and Manuela on the merchandise stand, which we had expected given we were in the
capital of France. Both of them were absolutely dog tired by the end of the evening.
Really great performance from all accounts tonight, things just seem to be getting better each night. All this despite the fact that
the monitor engineer vanished during our set and Paul had to jump in and make the best of unfamiliar equipment. He
certainly saved the day.
Billy arrived back on the stroke of 11 and we loaded the trailer in record time and before we knew it we were heading past
Moulin Rouge, Eiffel tower and Arc d'Triomphe and on our way to Bordeaux.

Day 10 - Bordeaux
After stumbling out of bed, I headed off to buy some cigarettes. Luckily I found a very friendly tobacco shop about 5 minutes
away. On my return I was greeted by the promoter who promptly took me for a tour of the venue and the facilities. Very cool
place, almost like a mini football stadium with tiered crowd area. I even bumped into a fan outside the venue who said she
was coming with her brother later.
I know I keep saying this but the show was definitely the best so far and the crowd were certainly the wildest we had
encountered on the road. Steve Cummings from in England was there today and we spent time with
him and a whole host of fans after the show, including the girl and her brother who I met earlier.
Fantastic catering again...curry, pizza...excellent! The only downside was that it was nightmare getting out of the venue and
we had to unhitch the trailer to enable Billy to get the bus out, this took a little while but once again by 2am we were saying our
goodbyes and heading to Toulouse.

Day 11- Toulouse
This venue was quite like a Cuban cafe on the inside, in keeping with the name..."Havana Cafe". Certianly very diferent to the
venues we had played so far. Goes without saying almost that the catering was ace! We had a very tiny dressing room today
but that and the foul weather didn't stop us getting up there and kicking Toulouse squarely in the ass, for which we received
another great response. Tonight was Apollo's last show on this tour as he had to return home for personal reasons. We were
all sorry to see him go as not only is he a great singer but a great guy as well.
For Apollo's swansong, Angra decided to call him, Gus and Alessio on stage to join them for versions of "Smoke on the Water"
and "Come Together" at the end of the show. The crowd loved it!
There were some fans there who had followed Power Quest since the demo days and had brought all their CD's to sign. It was
really cool to talk face to face with people who I had been in contact with via email for a few years.

Day 12 - 60km outside of Salamanca (Day Off)
Billy's driving regulations meant that we had to hole up at a Gas Station/Cafe while he got his 11 hour break. It was a
dustbowl of a place where you expected tumbleweed to roll past at any moment. Most of us just hung around all day mucking
around but Manuela, Kiwi and Petros decided they would head to the nearest town, which turned out to be a village with
nothing open. A few hours later they returned, just as the rest of us were tucking into dinner at the cafe. Literally nothing else
happened despite the place taking on an almost "From Dusk till Dawn" feel once the sun went down, and there were a few
strange noises going on outside....spooky! lol!

Day -13 Lisbon
Arrived in Lisbon to discover there was no parking! Eventually we parked the other side of a football pitch which had to be
crossed to get to the venue. Communal sports showers today as well, but hey, a shower is a shower on tour!
All sorts of technical problems throughout the day at the venue but suprisingly the show passed off well and again we were
signing a lot of stuff for fans after we played and at the end of the night. The local crew were extremely friendly here as well
and most spoke.
Earlier on I had dashed to the hairdresser (for the first time in 10 years) to have some red streaks put in my hair. Well, why not?
thanks to the young lady who helped me with communication problems in the salon too!
It was a late one by the tme we loaded back in to the trailer, around 3am I think and we left at 6am. We stopped at a gas station
to get some food but were then followed for a few miles by the police until we reached the outskirts of the city. Bizarre. By this
point it was gone 7am and it really was bed time!
Day 14 - Madrid
Late load in today at 3:30pm and on stage at 7:45pm. Doesn't leave much time! Very small venue with minimal parking which
meant we had to park the trailer outside the venue while Billy drove off to find somewhere to park. The venue itself was more
of a pub than anything else we had played and it was decked out like a pirate ship! Catering wasn't as good here and evening
meal was a "buy out". No soundcheck tonight and as a result I could not hear keyboards on stage during our set. I didn't really
care though as the crowd seemed to be having a great time and were chanting our name for a while after the set. We had to
drop a song as well due to everything running late. It seemed to be a general thing in Spain that load in was later which did
not leave enough time really.
A guy came up to me afterwards wanting a PQ shirt but didn't have any money so I traded the Neverworld shirt I was wearing
for the Primal Fear shirt he had! Anything for a fan! Well, almost anything! haha!
Tonight was also the last show of the tour for Paul Finnie, who had to fly back to the UK to get ready to start a new job. None of
us wanted to see Paul go as he had been working his nuts off for the two weeks he was with us. Top geezer! We dropped him
at Madrid airport before we headed out to Santiago de Compostella. Before this though Simon and I had the surreal experience
of buying fries from a vending machine! Never done that before!

Day 15 - Santiago de Compostella (Day off)
We parked up at a bus park on the edge of the city and Billy and I went in search of breakfast which we found at a cool little
cafe not too far away. On our return everyone was up and headed off in various groups into the city. Manuela had decided she
was going to get a hotel room for the night as the Angra guys were doing. A bit later Gus decided he was going to do the same
so I headed off with him in search of the hotel which we eventually found after about 45 minutes walking.
Once he had checked in and we had checked our email we took a cab into the city and had dinner at a pizza place which a
couple of local metal fans directed us too. It was raining pretty much all day so we eventually got a cab back to the hotel and I
made my way back to the bus, where I bumped into Simon and Bob and we headed to McDonalds and the local gas station to
get some more supplies for the bus. Alessio, Francesco, Andrea and Alessandro had gone to a local bar and discovered the
delights of bocadillos!
After all the excitement (!) we all ended up at the bus and spent a few hours watching Kamelot, Whitesnake and Black Crowes
DVD's. Petros had got himself a room at a local hostel so it was quite a quiet night on the bus with Gus, Petros and Manuela all

Day 16 - Santiago de Compostella
The local promoter provided a couple of vans to shuttle us and our gear from the bus park to the v enue as there was no
parking at the venue itself. Very nice club but unfortunately time constraints meant that there was no soundcheck. Sound on
stage was a little odd but we knuckled down and pulled another performance out the bag. The crowd were really into it again,
which is of course the main thing!
It was kebabs for dinner and some fans pointed us in the direction of a great litlle bar/restaurant! Perfect! Little did we know
that Kiwi would soon be suffering the after effects!
By the time the bus arrived round the corner from the venue and we had loaded in it was almost 3am and it was time to head
for Bilbao, where we arrived around 1pm.

Day 17 - Bilbao
Fantastic the middle of nowwhere though! lol! Late load in again and time got way as usual in Spain and we ended
up without a soundcheck but at least Firewind had managed a line check. A quieter crowd but that may have been due to the
fact it was bigger venue. It was great to see a couple of fans from the UK at this show as well. Home from home!
Catering here was probably the best of the tour, a cafe that overlooked the stage and food fit for a restaurant rather than for
metal bands! haha!
When we arrived there was a salsa dancing class going on so it was clear that this venue served a multitude of functions.
Great parking and easy access for load in. It was here that the kebab came back to haunt Kiwi and he was really ill after the
show and ended up going to bed. Best plan I think as we needed him fit for the following day.
After a lot of hanging around with fans afterwards we boarded the bus at 1:30am and headed for Barcelona.

Day 18 - Barcelona
This was possibly the smallest venue of the whole tour, either here or Madrid. But it was a glorious day in Barcelona and we
had a few hours to wander around before we had to go to the venue. I managed to pick up a copy of "This is Rock" magazine,
with whom I had done an interview before we hit the road.
Despite the cramped room on stage (only one dressing room so we had to lurk in the shadows on stage until our intro tape hit)
we produced a good reaction from the fans and it was noticeable that when the other bands played there were a few sound
gremlins, so I can only assume we suffered the same fate! lol!
Today our second driver (Kenny) arrived ahead of the long trip to Rome and like Billy he turned out to be a great guy. I wish I
had a Liverpool shirt with me today as Liverpool had recently beaten Barcelona 2-1 in the Champions League in Barcelona.
Maybe that wouldn't have been the best of ideas actually! Nice Chinese meal for dinner here as well!
We left the venue and loaded the trailer around 2am before we began the long trek to Rome!

Day 19 - Travel Day
How far will we get? Will we be stuck at a Gas station again?
It's now about 7:30pm and we are about an hour from Rome. We stopped a while back for sandwiches and coffee and also
finished off the croissants and donuts we bought the previous day. We managed to cram in a Racer X DVD and the movie
Alone in the Dark as well.
Turns out we can park at the venue so we then headed off in search of REAL pizza which we duly found about 10 minutes
from the venue. What can I say? Incredible! Andrea said the look on my face said it all! Best pizza ever! The Firewind boys
shouted us dinner tonight as a thank you for having them on our bus! Cheers lads! After stopping at a pretty cool bar on the
roadside we headed back to the bus around 1am

Day 20 - Rome
Excellent venue this one and a gloriously sunny day as well. Cold showers were the order of the day because...welll...there
wasn't any hot water! lol! Sandwiches and snacks for lunch while Manuela, Andrea and Francesco headed into the city for a
couple of hours.
Possibly the wildest crowd of the whole tour and we got a heros reception when we hit the stage before we even played a note,
and this carried on throughout the set. It was Kiwi's birthday today so the crowd joined Alessio in an Italian rendition of
Happy Birthday. Funny thing was that during the tour it was also Petros's and Felippe's birthdays...what is it with bass
My friend Ian from Southampton was there tonight with his girlfriend Lisa, who has family in Rome. Really great to see them
and I think they enjoyed the show as well. Lots of signings and photos after the show as well. A really great night although
tinged with sadness because tomorrow would be the last show.
Francesco was really ill after the show tonight and was through most of the night. Luckily he had recovered sufficiently for the
Milan date.

Day 21 - Milan
Arrived at the venue around 10ish in the rain. Fantastic venue and awesome facilities...2 hot showers all round today! Woo
hoo! It was quite an emotional day all round I think for all 3 bands as Firewind were leaving the tour today as well.
Great show from all 3 bands and an awesome response from the crowd. At the end of Angra's set, Edu made a speech and he
said that this was the best tour they had ever been involved with as all 3 bands were like brothers and there wasn't an ego in
sight. After this we all joined Angra on stage for "Smoke on the Water" and "Flight of Icarus" and a lot of fun was had. We
probably looked quite stupid at times's the last night of the tour.
Andrea's girlfriend Anna filmed the show as well so we are all looking forward to seeing that too.
Then came the long goodbyes after we loaded out. The Italian boys headed their seperate ways and we all said our goodbyes to
our new found brothers in Angra and Firewind.....but not before Fabio, Bob and myself (my keyboard brothers) got some photos
taken together!
As we boarded the bus, what had been 12 had become 4...with just Simon, Manuela, Kiwi and myself making the trip home
with Billy and Kenny.

Day 22 - The journey home
After getting to bed around 5am we had a stop in Luxembourg at around 11:30 for some dinner, which Kiwi slept through and
then headed for Calais and the ferry. One last check of the passports and we were crossing the ditch to Dover.
We then headed to London to drop off Firewind's gear with Arch Enemy's manager and then headed to Steve's place to drop
off him and Manuela before Simon and myself headed for Southampton and home.
The party
Steve Williams
Steve Scott
Alessio Garavello
Andrea Martongelli
Francesco Tresca
Simon Burrell - Merchandise manager
Paul Finnie - Stage manager
Manuela Froehlich - PQ tour manager
Alessandro - Guitar/Keyboard tech
Gus G
Bob Katsionis
Petros Christos
And not forgetting the God of drivers Billy and his trusty sidekick Kenny! Cheers boys!
Hi Steve, Hi everyone :)

What a great diary to read, we feel the emotion from the words, great experiences for you and for us, your fans ;)

If I have the courage to translate it, do you think I could use it on the site ?

ok, back to work on the site ^^

Hope to hear from you soon ;)