Steven Slate Drums EX Expansions 50%.. OFFICIALLY

Was able to fix this, and now I'm downloading the wav's/gog's and downloaded the instructions - but is the Essential Rock & Pop Vol 2 REALLY supposed to be only 553 bytes??

How were you able to fix it? I keep getting a 403 error on the Rock/Pop 3 zip files. The gogs/wavs downloaded fine but I can't get the kits.
I think the server is running really slow just now. My download keeps stopping. Hopefully it'll pick up shortly. It's a busy time for internet use here just now.

I've just essentially upgraded to Platinum by getting Rock/Pop 2 & 3.

I feel sorry for the Platinum guys, but sometimes that's life. I shouldn't have bought this tbh, I need food more than I need drum samples, but hey, it's cheap as hell. Quite happy with the discount :)
I feel sorry for the Platinum guys, but sometimes that's life.

Retailers do this all the time, right before a new product comes out they drop the price to get rid of the rest of the old product. It's really nothing new, if you buy something when it first comes out you're going to pay more for it than if you waited.
hi drew, we are doing this. send an email to subject ALEX WAV/GOGS and include your order info and I'll get you wav/gogs by the end of the day.

I still haven't received my passcode from audiomidi and they completely ignore my mails. Can I use the gogs/wavs I downloaded and also can I buy an expansion without the passcode?
Retailers do this all the time, right before a new product comes out they drop the price to get rid of the rest of the old product. It's really nothing new, if you buy something when it first comes out you're going to pay more for it than if you waited.

Yeah, it's unfortunate. I wasn't intending on getting all the packs, but with them being so cheap I just picked them up on discount.
Can we add two instances of the Two-for-$50 to the shopping cart to buy four packs, or is there a one-coupon-per-purchase-per-customer sorta limitation?

Is there a super dooper discount price if we grab all five packs at once?
Guys, there is a small issue where some of the bigger zip files don't have the proper permissions set up, we are fixing.. sorry..

Our support guys are answering emails pretty quickly too.

Most files will download fine, but some may say 403.. this is being sorted out.

what expansions do you recommend to me to buy? i like snare 12a and then i´ll buy rock/pop 3. i need to decide the 2º expansion. i like new maple toms and they´re only included in some rock/pop 1 i think. some another expansion it has new maple toms?
Well, looks like I'll never be buying any SSD products again.

And I'm agreed on all counts of 'sucks to be a platinum owner right now.'

that's how it goes nowadays. new customers are lured with deals and
promitional sales while old customers are getting deported.
simple money making, that's it.
to be fair i have to say that EVERY software company acts like that.
nevertheless that's still no justifcation to discontinue the wav/gog's.

nevertheless that's still no justifcation to discontinue the wav/gog's.


Well, I think whether you agree with it or not, from a business standpoint, disontinuing wavs/gogs seems very logical. Trigger is right around the corner, so Slate is now in direct competition with Drumagog (notice how Drumagog is coming out with a new version which claims to do everything Trigger does pretty much the same exact time that Trigger is coming out? - that's NO coincidence, that's business strategy). To supply wavs/gogs would mean supplying a means to use the competitors product. At the end of the day Slate's running a business, and he's doing what any good business would do.


I'm not saying I agree with it. I don't. I'm just not surprised.
reminds me of when I first got my Roland e-kit, and they upgraded the design shortly after I had purchased it. I thought it sucked...