Steven Slate Drums EX Expansions 50%.. OFFICIALLY

I'll consider selling the wavs with TRIGGER since Joey laid out some good points.

this would make me buy trigger...and be it just for the samples.
(assuming there'll be new samples of course, got all the other ones since 2.0 already ;) )

slates page said:
At the heart of any drum library are the actual samples themselves. Steven Slate has been called the MASTER of drum sounds. In the early 2000's his original drum sample disc was in high demand amongst many top Hollywood producers and mixers. By 2006, when he publicly released his first official drum sample disc, his sounds could already be heard in many top billboard hits. Today, the airwaves are filled with Steven's samples, as they are used by top industry mixers such as Mike Shipley, Chris Lord Alge, Ben Grosse, Jeff Juliano, Jay Baumgardner, Dave Way, and many more!

that actually shows that you DO realize the importance of your samples and that for many people the SAMPLES are actually the reason to buy your stuff.
The raw wavs are a pain in the ass because of the DAFS encoding system is not supported anymore by the company who made it so we have to constantly fix it as we move to new servers.

However it seems that many interesting points have been made and as long as we can protect the files, I don't see why we couldn't offer wavs with TRIGGER.

Trigger will initially come with the SSD classic sounds, but just like the virtual instrument, Deluxe will be an update that will add many new sounds. I've taken a break from Deluxe until we launch Slate Digital, but once I get back on it, it should develop rather quickly. I'll post a sneak peak of it soon.
The SSD cymbals sound great. There are so many mp3s with SSD's straight out of the Kontakt player that sound amazing. Go to the SSD page and listen now. If you are getting terrible results and can't use something as utterly simple as the Kontakt Player, I would assume operator error, not SSD error.

None of these sound as good as the competent S2.0 demos, I fail to see how anyone with ears would argue that. I still seriously question your logic behind sampling a drum kit without setting up a true pair of stereo overheads on a real layout of cymbals, regardless of how great the mics are, and the sounds of the SSD cymbals reflect this.

Operator error my ass, the Kontakt player is a weak platform to begin with, but I know how to use it. I also know how to use S2.0's virtual instrument, and know that it's not only way easier to use and more logically laid out, but sounds far more realistic and 'good,' ESPECIALLY on the cymbals.

You can say your cymbals sound great all you want - I fully expect you to, it's your product.

I fully expect Crate to tell me their amps sound great, too.

But really - we've been over this a thousand times and it's both of us repeating the same side over and over again. I'd be willing to bet most of the forum is on my side.
i'm currently enjoying those EX samples.... good stuff!

i'd definately like to try TRIGGER and compare it with Aptrigga. If it is better and not hundreds of dollars... I'll be a buyer too.:kickass:
Same prob here, Audiomidi ignore my mails too.
I don't wanna deal with this shop ever again. If they couldn't handle their own deals...:zombie:

Do we have the option to download the expansion packs and just use the .wav files?
It would be a pleasure for me to buy the "basic-deal(Audiomidi)", but I don't wanna be angry anymore:erk:


Guess no one cares about us small fish ;)

I'm happy with only having the wavs/gogs, I just want to be sure it's ok with Mr. Slate if I used the samples without having a passcode from audiomidi(they did charge my card).

It's a pity I can't get an answer, it's probably the 5th time I ask.
Just a quick question again:
Its a little confusing(for me).

What is the basic version, which's permits me to run the EX stuff.

Fuck shit, this audio Midi thing.
I have nothing. No Wavs, no nothing...
So, would be awesome if I could by the Ex PAck, directly from slate, and run the wavs...???
+1 to Joey´s.

Btw, Steven are you able to list the snare/bass drum kit numbers? I mean, i bought that EX deal and have some awesome snares in there, but i also have SSD (2.5 i think) at the studio i work on, so I want to buy the things that wont be duplicates and that i like.
+1 to Joey´s.

Btw, Steven are you able to list the snare/bass drum kit numbers? I mean, i bought that EX deal and have some awesome snares in there, but i also have SSD (2.5 i think) at the studio i work on, so I want to buy the things that wont be duplicates and that i like.

that'll be a bit difficult I think...
cause the numbers have changed, although the samples stayed the same between 2 and 3 (or was it 2.5 and 3.5)....what used to be snare 18 is now snare 22a (I think) for example
Will Trigger/Future version of SSD have the ability to control the overhead volumes? Unless I'm just not using it right, that's one MAJOR flaw that I never hear anyone talking about. If I'm using Kontakt and just programming the snare and I turn the overhead button on, I have no way to adjust that overhead volume (which I usually find is too loud and splashy). It makes the snare sit in the mix better it seems, but any processing I do to the snare is done to that overhead ambience as well, so if I compress the snare the ambience (which like I said, find is too loud already for my tastes) just gets even louder. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not how real drum mic'ing works. That's why we close mic the snare, so I can adjust and process the close mic independent of the overhead sound.
ill just add to the points people have made here - no wavs, no more buys from me.

and lasse made the point that initially the samples were sold merely as samples - not a drum vsti. the strength of the product was based on the drums/processing/options. something has got mixed up along the line and its now being marketed as a drum vsti (and soon with trigger, something that ties in with that).

SSD is known for their drum samples, not vsti coding - as pretty much everyone on this forum has said (who owns it), toontracks sampler absolutely destroys all the others and trying to compete kontact with superior is farcical imo. kontacts player is ok, and i dont have any trouble with it, but it is seriously light years behind toontrack. id even say its way behind v1 of superior (which is a whole league below the current version).
Route the room to a different channel.

I'm not talking about the room mics, I'm talking about the overheads. I might just be stupid here, but I've found no way to route the overhead mics to thier own channel.

There should be an overhead volume knob in Kontakt but there's not. There's a close mic volume, a room volume, but no overhead volume.
that'll be a bit difficult I think...
cause the numbers have changed, although the samples stayed the same between 2 and 3 (or was it 2.5 and 3.5)....what used to be snare 18 is now snare 22a (I think) for example

Really? Damn...Anyway, i use mainly snare 2 and 2A for rock, Never snare for rock too (or snare 6 sometimes) and snare 19 if I need some high end. Led snare for more vintage-ish stuff. The pop rock packs have some things i may be interested (the pop-ish stuff, the angry rock and the reggae snare) but if i replicates too much stuff i already have, then its a deal breaker for me)
I thought this was public knowledge by now.. SSD = easy instant sounds.. The overhead is on/off, there is little "stuff" you need to do to make it work. This took three minutes:

Say what you want about "reality", but that just sounds good! There is some compression and some eq and you need to understand how to properly tailor the mix around the drums, but its made to be quite simple with SSD.

Not only have I heard some of the most amazing vsti programmed metal drums right in this very forum from SSD Ultimate Metal users, but you can also hear some really sick stuff from some of the metal crew at the SSD forum. If you can't make SSD work, then post an mp3 and I'm sure some of the pros here can help you out.

If you want stuff that is tweaky, go for Superior, its great. The upcoming SSD Deluxe will have completely variable stereo overhead tracks and multiple snare articulations etc.. So that'll be good for tweaking. Until then, I love using the SSD classic sounds because I get instant gratification with little effort. Check out my webpage and listen to "THE BOTTOM". Thats a song I wrote and produced, and now there is a bidding war for it. All midi drums played off a Roland Kit. The label loved the drum tones.

Kontakt Player is just simple. Very easy to load kits, customize kits, add additional drums (this is not that easy in other programs), tailor your levels in the output mixer... I can't think of anything that gives anyone a problem.
Back to the thread here.. anyone who buys the Metal and More Pack and makes the most killer metal demo using either a stock kit or customized kit, wins TRIGGER for absolutely FREE. Post mp3s here on this thread.