You know its funny, no other virtual drum software comes with wavs and I hear no complaints.
because there is no reason to complain.
let me explain it...
if you buy a wav sample based product you should be able to use
the samples in whatever sampler you want, except there is a DEDICATED sampler
that's made especially for these samples, like it's managed in AD, EZ, BFD etc.
here you had COMPLETE product from the beginning.
if i remember correctly SSD started as an incomplete
"wav samples only" product, there was no dedicated sample player.
then SSD was converted into kontakt format,
now there was a common sample player but it was not
specially made for SSD.
so if you wanted to use SSD you
kontakt. same thing with drumagog. ding dong!
i guess now YM just realized (unfortunately very late
that being dependent on other companies sucks and
started making an own product that includes everything
you need for digital drum production...TRIGGER!
of course that means that kontakt, drumagog and all their users have to be kicked away.
I don't really care about that because i never needed to use drumagog, and kontakt...i
fucking HATE kontakt but i think that there are many people out there that just feel fucked in the knee by YM.
sorry for my language.
so when a new SSD like deluxe is coming out,
all the software the people had to buy to be able
to use SSD is basically worthless becuase
the wav and gog files are discontinued now...
no offense, that's just my point of view!