Steven Slate Drums EX Expansions 50%.. OFFICIALLY

Strange, I use the kontakt player and can route the nrg room to a seperate track and process each drum and room mic individually...

Edit: soz just read back you were referring to oh not room
I thought this was public knowledge by now.. SSD = easy instant sounds.. The overhead is on/off, there is little "stuff" you need to do to make it work.

Yea but how do you know how loud I need my overheads to be? You don't. The same way you don't know how loud my room mics need to be which is why you gave me the ability to adjust the volume. I just don't understand why the same issue wasn't addressed with the overhead sound? At the end of the day, they're both the same thing - two mics placed away from the source (aka reverb).

Steven, I'm not saying your samples don't sound great, and I have no intention of going to superior, but not all of us are programming entire drum kits like in your clip. This is really the only thing that I think really needs to be addressed (and I don't hear anyone else talking about it which I find surprising but maybe I'm in the minority here). For my particular situation, I'm replacing live recordings, and I've got alot of snare in my original overheads. Combine that with the Slate overhead sound - and that's way too much snare in my overheads. OK, turn it off then - well the problem is, with the overheads turned off on the SSD snare, it doesn't seem to fit in with the live kit as well. That and any processing (compression, eq, etc) I do to the snare is being done to the SSD overhead mics (reverb) sound as well. I don't know about the rest of you guys here, but do you eq/compress/process your live overhead tracks the same way you do your snare track? I know I don't. Also, if I have a mono snare track then how is the stereo overhead sound attached to it in stereo?

You say they'll be controllable in SSD Deluxe, does that mean they won't be in Trigger? I've already bought EX and every expansion pack, so buying Deluxe is pointless (as is probably the case with everyone else who owns EX), but I was planning on buying Trigger.

No disrespect, and I don't mean this as bashing you or your product.
I hear what you're saying Ruckus, and all I can say is that you are a pro and you have certain demands and thats fine. But SSDs were made for guys who just want to push play without having to think too much about overhead levels etc..

Deluxe adds a lot of new sounds that have exactly what you ask.. completely variable stereo overheads (DELUXE samples will be an update to TRIGGER as well!) and a lot of sounds that the user can further tweak on his own and shape.

But for now, the SSD "Classic" is meant to get really polished kickass sounds within a few minutes of loading a kit.. for sample replacement same deal.. you got a snare that has no personality, layer some SSDs and throw on some NRG room and it comes to life.

But I understand how you are trying to work, which is why I think you'll actually be the perfect customer for the Deluxe update.
I have to admire you for the confidence you have in your products. I'm already impressed with SSD so I'm looking forward to hearing how you can better that.
Thanks for hearing me out. I'm a little confused though so I just want to be clear here.

SSD Deluxe is going to replace both EX & Platinum? Or is the deluxe just add-on expansion packs? Am I correct in saying none of the existing Slate samples will have the ability to have stereo overheads adjustable, only these new deluxe samples, correct? If that's so, ok, fine.

When Trigger EX is released I'm not going to be getting any new samples other than what I currently own being that I have EX and all the expansion packs, correct? But I will be able to get deluxe add on packs for Trigger?

What about all of my existing SSD EX samples? Will trigger import the EX gog files?
Just like SSD went from 2.0 to 3.0 etc.. the next update from 3.5 will not have a numerical value, but rather, will be called SSD Deluxe Platinum and SSD Deluxe EX editions.

It will have a completely new interface, and will ADD new Deluxe kits that have the variable overheads, new articulations, etc..

TRIGGER will initially ship with the current SSD samples.. just like the virtual instrument, TRIGGER's next version will include the new Deluxe samples as well which will perfectly aline with its multi layer architecture.
No GOG is an exclusive format to Drumagog, but it will take all your wav files and can even convert them into multi sample trigger format. For more Trigger questions, i think there is another Trigger thread..

Looking forward to hearing some more killer mp3s using the Metal and More pack thats on sale now..
Hey Mr. Slate,
the audiomidi deal failed on me, they don't write back!
If I buy the expansion deal, can I run the .wavs?

Or what do I have to buy to jump on that 50$ Expansion thing(I def. don't wanna buy @ AudioMidi!)?
Blank, you'll need EX to run the expansions. Just buy the regular EX and then get the on sale expansions, it all comes with wav/gogs till the 15th.
No more WAVs is the gayest thing I've ever heard. I bought SSD for the drum samples, to augment my own real drums, which is the purpose it was originally marketed for. Now you are cutting off that entire market (which includes guys like CLA and Andy, who apparently use your samples, but I'm pretty sure they aren't programming their drums tracks in MIDI and triggering from Kontakt...)

If I wanted a VSTi for drum programming, I would've bought Superior 2.0. But because SSD was marketed for drum replacement/augmentation, it was perfect for my needs. I think cutting out the only fucking business advantage you had over the other drum companies is a pretty brain dead move, but it's up to you I suppose. Why on earth ANYONE would buy SSD purely for programming drums is beyond me when the competition's product is so much better...

I still really want Trigger, but even then I guess I have to pay for all the SSD samples I already have since they are part of the plugin. Sooo fuck that, I will keep using apTrigga. If Drumagog 5 ends up being as good as it looks, I will probably buy that instead of Trigger just for the fact that I at least know that company's intentions. Who knows, maybe 6 months from now Trigger will just include sample files and not the actual triggering plugin anymore, it wouldn't be the first time you fucked us by pulling the main component out of your product.
I still seriously question your logic behind sampling a drum kit without setting up a true pair of stereo overheads on a real layout of cymbals, regardless of how great the mics are, and the sounds of the SSD cymbals reflect this.


Seriously. It was a mistake... a big mistake, and it's the reason the SSD cymbals sound so fake and unusable. Slate knows this, and it's a big part of why Deluxe is being made... but he won't admit to it... instead, we get the "It was designed to be simple for lazy users who want instant gratification, blah blah blah" cop out.

Also, there was already a thread about the inclusion of gogs/wavs, and in that thread Slate caved in and agreed to include wavs when we all bitched him out for it. Now, in this thread, he acted like that never happened at all, and once again said wavs won't be included from now on, and the same exact argument happened again. Make up your mind, Slate. Are you going to not include WAVs and piss off a bunch of people who have been using your samples for a long while now or are you not?

Then again, you've already been doing a good job of annoying people who payed full price for Platinum with all of these blowout deals designed to draw in everyone who wouldn't have bought the samples at normal prices.

And is Deluxe actually going to be an update to SSD or something new? You said before it would be new and separate. Now you are saying it's going to be an update. I'm hoping it is an update, as that atleast leaves open a chance of current platinum owners getting a discount on it and not getting reamed in the ass with new costs. Honestly, we really should have a discount for it with there being so many current owners who can't stand the current cymbals.

And on the subject of discounts, what's the word on discounts for the products about to be released? Why does Sweetwater not have a bare bones version of Trigger for sale? People do not want to pay for the samples they already have again. That's just idiocy. You said there would be a bare bones version of Trigger that would allow us to convert the Platinum WAVs we already own to files usable by Trigger. Is this still going to happen? Or, perhaps a better question, why should we have to do that when you're already selling Trigger bundled with Platinum? Shouldn't current Platinum owners not have to pay for those samples that we already own? Why not just give us the Platinum version of Trigger for whatever the cost of Trigger itself (minus samples) would be? And that cost should be pretty low considering Sweetwater has Trigger EX listed for only $130... I mean, we already payed for the samples. It's stupid to make us pay some sort of premium just to avoid having to convert all of the samples ourselves...

I don't know how anyone with a brain still believes or trusts anything you hear from Slate/Yellow Matter. They don't keep their promises. They're always late with deadlines and updates. There's always bugs. They're always doing what's best for their wallets and not for their current customers...
Guys, you already bought the EX (most of you, at any rate) and here are the addon packs. They all include wavs. When Trigger comes out, you'll already have the wavs right there? Just make Trigger files out of them or use them with what ever you like and there you go.

Hasn't everyone who's complaining right now, bought the EX in the 20 bucks deal? Most have, I'm willing to bet. So what's the problem?
No GOG is an exclusive format to Drumagog

And then in your next post

Just buy the regular EX and then get the on sale expansions, it all comes with wav/GOGS till the 15th

Sir, I very respectfully call Bullshit. You just totally contradicted your statement.

And basically you're saying I have to spend all the time I spent setting up all of my gog files again in Trigger, and even have to spend the time setting your samples up in your own product (Trigger). And I don't think it's off-topic to bring this up. I want to make sure that if I buy expansion packs now I won't have to buy them again when I get Trigger.
Hasn't everyone who's complaining right now, bought the EX in the 20 bucks deal? Most have, I'm willing to bet. So what's the problem?

The problem being that FUTURE products won't include Wavs (maybe they will now though).

But as far as this deal is concerned, if I'm only getting 2, which 2 expansions would you recommended? (I'm not concerned so much about versatility, because these will pretty much only be used for metal)
You know its funny, no other virtual drum software comes with wavs and I hear no complaints.

because there is no reason to complain.
let me explain it...

if you buy a wav sample based product you should be able to use
the samples in whatever sampler you want, except there is a DEDICATED sampler
that's made especially for these samples, like it's managed in AD, EZ, BFD etc.
here you had COMPLETE product from the beginning.

if i remember correctly SSD started as an incomplete
"wav samples only" product, there was no dedicated sample player.

then SSD was converted into kontakt format,
now there was a common sample player but it was not
specially made for SSD.
so if you wanted to use SSD you HAD TO BUY
kontakt. same thing with drumagog. ding dong!;)

i guess now YM just realized (unfortunately very late:rolleyes:)
that being dependent on other companies sucks and
started making an own product that includes everything
you need for digital drum production...TRIGGER!

of course that means that kontakt, drumagog and all their users have to be kicked away.
I don't really care about that because i never needed to use drumagog, and kontakt...i
fucking HATE kontakt but i think that there are many people out there that just feel fucked in the knee by YM.
sorry for my language.

so when a new SSD like deluxe is coming out,
all the software the people had to buy to be able
to use SSD is basically worthless becuase
the wav and gog files are discontinued now...

no offense, that's just my point of view! :)

I thought this was public knowledge by now.. SSD = easy instant sounds.. The overhead is on/off, there is little "stuff" you need to do to make it work. This took three minutes:

Say what you want about "reality", but that just sounds good!

If you're after that Holywood cookie-cutter sound... then yeah, this sounds good. But if you want something a little more carved out and its own thing... totally clean samples with total control over the mix... it's the only way to go.
If you're after that Holywood cookie-cutter sound... then yeah, this sounds good. But if you want something a little more carved out and its own thing... totally clean samples with total control over the mix... it's the only way to go.

Drums sound fine there, but cymbals do not... he always posts that mp3 thinking it's something great sounding, but I think most of us do not agree...