Slate EX: is it a good deal?


Mar 30, 2005
I'm thinking to buy the SSD EX (99$) or SSD EX + expansions (159$) you think the EX withouth expansions has many good and usable samples? I'll use them only as blending samples and not for complete replacement (but who knows..) because I noticed that my snares recorded in my shitty room don't sound good at all (and of course also the samples I do from the kit).
So what I wanna know is if this buy would be a good and usefull deal or not, for example because in the EX there are only 1 or 2 usable samples...
Let me know :)
Well, I have EX and I use the player, but not really the samples for replacement (haven't had the chance to do so), but I feel there are definitely more than 1 or 2 useable samples in EX without an expansion. I'd still really like to pick the metal and more one, tho.
Def get the expansions. I find myself blending snares and kicks most of the time, as a single one will have too much 'Slateyness' for me.

I think best would be to blend them with your own samples. I think thats what I'll be doing when tracking real drums.
Yes blending with the natural tracks is what I wanna do as I said. What I wanna know is if the EX without expansions could be an usable and good investment, or if when you use it you have the impression you need something more (more sample, different sounds,etc...)
I just got it a couple months ago and honestly I can't imagine not having it. The difference is night and day. It's allowed me to take my mediocre drum recordings and make them sound completely professional - I'm blending as well but have more Slate in the recordings than original now though. :D

What you get for $160 is worth every penny and then some in my opinion. There's a bunch of good sounds that come with EX but yes, you'll definitely need some expansion packs. For metal I recommend the "Metal And More" and "Rock Pop Vol 3". The great thing about EX too is that you can always add more packs later on as your budget allows. In the end it costs almost exactly the same to buy EX with all the expansions as it would to buy Platinum, you just don't have to shell out the money at once like you would for Platinum. Hope this helps.