The disappointing purchases thread

Drumagog. In fact , I have so little use for it that I am still looking into whether or not I can sell it , but Drumagog support never answers emails , so who the fuck knows
I was disappointed when I bought my Framus Cobra when it first came out. I thought it sounded NOTHING like my dual rectifier. So I returned it thank god for thomann return policy. Today I woudn't mind owning one again though :)

Way too noisy.


Doesn't have DAT krank sound. What did I expect?


Unuseable piece of shit.


Just another boring ultra bright sounding chinese LDC. Not the worst in its category but still not great.
Fortunately for me i havn't bought nothing too expensive that i regretted but off the top of my head the top things would be...

BBE Sonic Maximizer - Not an entire waste since i did use it successfully on occasions but i still wish i never bought the thing. I eventually traded it for something else.

AKG 240S (The New non made in Austria version) - I got them off ebay and i had no idea they stopped manufacturing them in Austria. When i tried them i thought they sounded different and then confirmed it with my old pair of 240's that they did. I sold them not long after that.

Old MXR Script Distortion Plus - Got it used for 50$. HEAVILY beat up and it was strapped in duct tape when i got it. I only got it because it seemed to have some MOJO lol. It sounded harsh and never found a good use for it.

Audix i5 - Anything it does good the SM57 will do better. Still struggling to find a good use for it.

Presonus Fader Port - Didn't live up to my expectations. Probably end up selling it eventually.

All the cheap cables and cheap guitar stands i've ever bought.
Audix i5 - Anything it does good the SM57 will do better. Still struggling to find a good use for it.

Stick both on the snare and start playing a snr/hat pattern. See which has the quieter and much less obnoxious sounding bleed ;)
SM57 does give a nice sound to the attack of the snare, but the hat spill is absolutely awful :Puke:
Alesis I/O 26: I was considering sticking this in the for sale section but I wouldn't want to knowingly burden anyone on the forum with this colossal piece of shit.

Don't believe the good online reviews, typical behringer junk. I randomly get pink noise from the pink noise generator when I turn it on, give it a hard tap and it goes away
+1 on the Metalzone, a very distinctly average piece of gear.

POD farm 2.5 was a massive disappointment, got a refund on that straight away.
Sennheiser HD650.

Overpriced junk. Feels like a toy. Sounds weird and crap at the same time.

I wouldn't say that...but I got them new pretty cheap because I was lucky and there was a sale. wouldnt have gotten them new for the usual price tho.
they feel great for me, but they are a bit strong in the high mids.


my worst purchase was an Ibanez RG something something.
Didnt sound bad, but it didn't really fit me...also the floyd rose copy wasn't exactly perfect.
Sold it to a friend who liked it
Stick both on the snare and start playing a snr/hat pattern. See which has the quieter and much less obnoxious sounding bleed ;)
SM57 does give a nice sound to the attack of the snare, but the hat spill is absolutely awful :Puke:

I have used it on snare successfully once before. I'm not saying its a crap mic by any means, I love how its built and i do get good results here and there. I'm just saying so far i havn't found any "real" use for it since the 57 sounds better almost every time, it almost never makes it to anything final. I will try this little shootout next time and see, i do get really annoying hat bleeds here and there, this might be the solution to hat busy drummers, or at least those who bash the hats like if their life depended on it lol.
Stick both on the snare and start playing a snr/hat pattern. See which has the quieter and much less obnoxious sounding bleed ;)
SM57 does give a nice sound to the attack of the snare, but the hat spill is absolutely awful :Puke:
You should try the Beta 57 for snare drums. The sound is similar to the 57 (a bit less muffled imho) and it's a supercardioid -> way less HiHat bleed if positioned correctly.