The disappointing purchases thread

I was disappointed when I bought my Framus Cobra when it first came out. I thought it sounded NOTHING like my dual rectifier. So I returned it thank god for thomann return policy. Today I woudn't mind owning one again though :)

Yeah, had the same story..

Was kind'a my own fault as I was setting it according to the "experts" at HCAF...

now that i've learned to dial things according to my own ears, i've fallen in love with the amp and am quite happy i didn't sell it
When i got my UX2 (toneport "edition"). While i was installing it i came to realise i had to pay extra for the plugin version of podfarm.................................................... and the owners of the same (but newly colored) product, get that for free.

Fucking THIS. So annoying I can't use the plugin :(

Items I bought:


Seymour Duncan Blackout AHB2 Metal: "pushed" and just sounds like a bitch


Behringer Ultra Metal: just sounds like absolute bird poop. Thought "hey I don't have a dist pedal why don't I just include this, it's so cheap!" when buying my JS30RR when first starting out.
SSD 3.5

I love the samples, and they do sound great, but I seriously havn't used it once since I got it. Mostly I think it's because of how many bands all sound the same now because of it.

Nothing against SS, as I said they sound awesome, just never had a project where I thought "yeah this needs that sound".
Diezel VH4 with caveat - sounded AWESOME! Just felt fucking weird to play through...hard to explain. Wish I still had it for reamping so I could get its tone without having to play through it!
HTC Desire

Buggy, slow junk. Not sure whether it's the phone or the OS, but the amount of times it has taken me to the wrong conversation tree under 'Messages' is beyond counting now. I'm sick of sending the wrong messages to the wrong people, and then those messages going to other people than to whom the phone said they've gone to!

The screen is almost impossible to use in areas with any degree of direct, natural sunlight.

The OS gets slow, really slow, really fast.

Finnicky, unresponsive touch controls.

Wish I had listened to the guys who originally suggested a Blackberry.
HTC Desire

Buggy, slow junk. Not sure whether it's the phone or the OS, but the amount of times it has taken me to the wrong conversation tree under 'Messages' is beyond counting now. I'm sick of sending the wrong messages to the wrong people, and then those messages going to other people than to whom the phone said they've gone to!

The screen is almost impossible to use in areas with any degree of direct, natural sunlight.

The OS gets slow, really slow, really fast.

Finnicky, unresponsive touch controls.

Wish I had listened to the guys who originally suggested a Blackberry.

I have an HTC Inspire and I like it a lot more than the Blackberry I used to have. I've never had any problems with mine but your problems might be Desire-specific issues.
Sennheiser HD650.

Overpriced junk. Feels like a toy. Sounds weird and crap at the same time.

Heh, I knew this'd be here. Again reveals how much of tastes vary with headphones; I personally happily even mix with mine, as long as I can A/B with speakers. Their build is disappointingly plastic-y though considering the price, that I must admit. Probably to reduce weight to make them more comfortable to wear.


Laney GH50L - Thought this'd be an awesome British -style head for the price. Never really got a tone I would've been happy with.

Framus FR212CB - I guess I didn't learn from my mistakes, as I bought another later and sold it just as quick. Very thin sounding and with an annoying presence.

Ibanez RG1077XL - I'd dreamed of one of these for the longest time, and finally got one. Sold the Ltd SC607B I also had at the time when my monetary situation got bad. I tried really hard to like it, but the neck was always too thin and it never sounded good to me. Still miss the Ltd.

Ibanez RG2228 - 27" scale and 8 strings wasn't a good combination. Didn't like the 808's or the bridge either. Also, the issues I've got with Ibanez' necks being uncomfortably thin for my hands was present on this model too.

Fender CIJ Jazzmaster - Made me realize how much I actually love Jazzmasters. And how much I hate tiny frets and vintage radii. Still have a horrible GAS as a reminder.

Can't think of any others right now.
HTC Desire

Buggy, slow junk. Not sure whether it's the phone or the OS, but the amount of times it has taken me to the wrong conversation tree under 'Messages' is beyond counting now. I'm sick of sending the wrong messages to the wrong people, and then those messages going to other people than to whom the phone said they've gone to!

The screen is almost impossible to use in areas with any degree of direct, natural sunlight.

The OS gets slow, really slow, really fast.

Finnicky, unresponsive touch controls.

Wish I had listened to the guys who originally suggested a Blackberry.

What have you been doing to it, Ermz? My Desire runs smooth as a buttered, prepared cob of corn.

Sure it might get slow sometimes, but that's usually when there's alot of shit going on.

Never had a problem with the messages.

The sunlight problem is with all smartphones, if i'm not wrong.

My touch controls are also responsive, although some small times it gets a bit sluggish, but that's only sometimes.
I'm really disappoint with the Blackstar Distx distortion pedal. I had mediocre expectations to begin with, but I expected it to sound something remotely like "pure valve filth" as indicated. What a horrid sound this thing makes...
HTC Desire

Buggy, slow junk. Not sure whether it's the phone or the OS, but the amount of times it has taken me to the wrong conversation tree under 'Messages' is beyond counting now. I'm sick of sending the wrong messages to the wrong people, and then those messages going to other people than to whom the phone said they've gone to!

The screen is almost impossible to use in areas with any degree of direct, natural sunlight.

The OS gets slow, really slow, really fast.

Finnicky, unresponsive touch controls.

Wish I had listened to the guys who originally suggested a Blackberry.

I got the problem with the message trees too and I think it appears if you've got a lot of messages on the phone. Some tree with about 2000 messages on it? ;)
You could also try a new Rom. Or wait for the Gingerbread update which should arrive soon.
Seriously : blackberry or iphone, and you're set. They work, they're fast, and reliable. Not that others aren't, but you can't go wrong with those ones. They both have their limitations (their systems of apps don't give you as much liberty in their customization) but that's also why they are nice to live with. I mean, I don't crack phone, cause I like having it clean and working perfectly, with no tweaking. My current iphone is 1 year old, and it's super fast, smooth, loads a page pretty quick under 3G coverage, I have all my 7 or 8 mail accounts there, have thousands of texts saved, it's a time saver cause it works well out of the box and unless a specific hardware failure (which i've not yet heard about around me) you're good to go. Just have a mac or a friend with a mac somewhere, as iTunes communicates better with it, I had a problem with the update of iOS4 on my PC, it would let the iPhone stuck between two states, like dead. Until I plugged it to my parent's mac, where the update cleansed my iphone, and the awesome system of data save brought back everything as if nothing ever happened, smoothly.

My disappointing purchase : Behringer BCF2000. I just don't understand how using a 8 fader's controller without LCD screen and/or VUmeter can be handy.
great thread very useful.

anyway. What i THOUGHT was dissapointing:

-I thought the 2:90 triaxis combo was disappointing when i first bought it, but we were playing in a soundproofed room with gypsum board on every parallel wall off approx equal dimensions :s
It was IMPOSSIBLE to get one nice tone.. Of course when i understood that, that combo turned out to sound really good and i still didnt part with it.
- I thought the 4X12 recto that i bought was disappointing compared to the stiletto one that i bought afterwards. So i sold the recto cab. BUT i was using the mesa mark amp and the gain channel sounded so much more "organic" on the other cab. Later on i bought back my cabinet from the same dude haha and used it with more modern amps like the rectifier and 5150 and fell in love with that cab and had to apologize to it.

What REALLY was a dissapointment:
- Korg DTR2000. It worked once. Only once. I got fucked it was new with warranty but long story sending it back wouldve cost me more than a new one or at least the same. Im not buying that shit again and i AM buying a rack tuner when i can cause its really useful! :-o
- Alesis DEQ-830. On paper it sounded like a dream. Programmable preset eq and lot more goodies. I needed to have that amount of control in the "gypsum" room described above to correct some shit. But oh my the tone suckage. Not funny.
- G-system. Nice nit but again for the reasons described above i needed eq and it had param eq which was great after selling the Alesis. Turns out there was a bug in it. When you switch to a new preset the eq doesnt turn on right away there was latency for only the eq. Cant tell you what that does to you when you're playing.. So far so good i email TC they tell ask wether i installed the latest update i say yes and they tell me they will try to replicate that. Later i get an email from them saying im right but there are no plans for them to fix it because it seems not many people use it.. WHAT?? its written in there on the BOX that it is in there.. I bought thinking i could do this and that but now i couldnt cause not many people use it :s
They fixed it after an eternity. Sold it anyway cause my rig was getting bigger and without getting into details its not practical with a gsystem. Oh and the first DSP section along with the second you get tone suckage but i didnt care because i didnt want to use the first one.

I bet i can think of other things but now gotta run!
Boss GT-8.. That is absolutely the biggest waste of money I have ever purchased.

Really ? I've been owning a GT8 for years now, been using it on every single show I play (quite a lot these days ) , in my ENGL blackmore's FX loop and I found it extremely usefull ! Of course I would buy seperate pedals if I had the money, but right now I can have a volume pedal in the loop + patches for every kinda sound I need, i can switch to clean (with the amp ctrl fonction) + delay + chorus + reverb or whatever instantly, have a solo patch with a boosted EQ + delay, etc it's really convenient :))

What is it that you don't like about it ? Just curious !
Really ? I've been owning a GT8 for years now, been using it on every single show I play (quite a lot these days ) , in my ENGL blackmore's FX loop and I found it extremely usefull ! Of course I would buy seperate pedals if I had the money, but right now I can have a volume pedal in the loop + patches for every kinda sound I need, i can switch to clean (with the amp ctrl fonction) + delay + chorus + reverb or whatever instantly, have a solo patch with a boosted EQ + delay, etc it's really convenient :))

What is it that you don't like about it ? Just curious !

Curious to know too.

Long time happy GT8 user here. Not planning yet to trade it. Lucas, how do you use yours? I use mine with 4CM and a Peavey 6505.

I'd be curious to check out some of your patches if you wanna trade just PM me with your email addy. :wave: :grin: