The disappointing purchases thread

Really ? I've been owning a GT8 for years now, been using it on every single show I play (quite a lot these days ) , in my ENGL blackmore's FX loop and I found it extremely usefull ! Of course I would buy seperate pedals if I had the money, but right now I can have a volume pedal in the loop + patches for every kinda sound I need, i can switch to clean (with the amp ctrl fonction) + delay + chorus + reverb or whatever instantly, have a solo patch with a boosted EQ + delay, etc it's really convenient :))

What is it that you don't like about it ? Just curious !

I agree. The GT-8 is quite a value for what you pay for it. I got mine for $375 and it's rock solid.

My curiosity caused my stupidity. Presets are the epic fail, and so is Toontrack for allowing that douche to produce something this terrible.

I snagged slate's as well, they are no where near as much fail. But nothing that blew the hair back either.
Behringer Ultra Metal: just sounds like absolute bird poop. Thought "hey I don't have a dist pedal why don't I just include this, it's so cheap!" when buying my JS30RR when first starting out.

On the contrary, if you ever need a super kvlt trve frostbitten black metal tone, then look no further. Believe me, this thing delivers, I'd say it's the second best pedal for the genre after the Valnøtt.:Spin:
I didn't buy my Desire HD (raffle score), but honestly as portable computers go (because these are computers with phone capability, not the other way around for me sorry) it's a big fat steaming POS next to an iPhone. I really wanted to like Android, but it doesn't deliver. Everything I used on my iPod Touch doesn't seem like it will ever happen on these Google turds (Air Video, any of the guitar sims...). Yeah you get "freedom" and shit, but without rooting there's no fucking way to disable autostart by apps. The games are ass as well. My iPod touch 2nd gen rapes this 1GHz monstrosity in all applications.

I still don't see much point in a Blackberry. I could check my email on my 30$ Nokia. Listen to music. Everything these massive paperweights do. The iPhone is in a league of it's own.

And I've been waiting for Gingerbread for 2 months now. Fuck you HTC. And yes this thing is stuttery as all hell. I don't wanna insert a custom ROM. For 500$ it should fucking work. And yes I've already called wrong numbers millions of times (because of the ass backwards hypersensitive list), I never really know if my message is sent, and messages take time to load. I should have sold it when I had the chance as soon as I got it and put some money in towards a proper device (yes, the iPhone). Even fucking HTC Sync doesn't work on my home computer so I have to use my work computer. Support did nothing for me but they did call me to harass me with their shitty survey and emailed me for the same shit after I had given them answers.


I bought it years ago, coincidentially because of one of Ola's videos (the one with the 570). At the time, it was his ONLY vid, I think.

A repair tech had a go at it a couple of months ago, worked on it more than a month, checked everything he could and told me the solderings inside were actually very poor quality :mad:
(though he also said the components were top notch, brand-wise at least).

The thing makes a hell of a lotta noise -beyond a real amp cranked to 11- but the thin, fizzy and extremely weak overdrive it is able to produce is SO unbearable.. I get better sounds out of literally anything else :(
By comparison, an MXR ZakkWilde gives me WAY more overdrive..

So basically (adding import, taxes, etc) was almost $5000 dollars down the drain

Too bad I don't live in Europe, or else I'd take a trip to the ENGL factory with it.

I think I win this thread. Fuck me.
East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs. The choirs sounds are pretty good... except for the soprano high notes, SUPER wobbly and noisy with odd resonances. The wordbuilder is one step above worthless. Now that the WB is built in to the VST, though, its at least a little more usable.

East West's PLAY software is a total pain in the ass in general, though. Constantly randomly dropping samples, crashing Reaper, introducing odd artifacts, not playing nice with multiple instances... ugh.
Sansamp bassdriver DI. It isn't good at anything. It turns any bass signal into a useless mush at any setting. It really has the one note bass syndrome going on. The drive on it sounds like farts. The TSE sim of it sounds way better than the real thing.

Ibanez BTB 776pb. A really nice 35 inch scale bass. Everything about it is perfect with one exception: the pickups. They cannot produce the fundamental tone and everything else that comes out of them is just noise as well. Why is that a big deal? There isn't a replacement that fits in the routes. It is a paperweight until I have it routed by a luthier.

Ibanez TS9. It doesn't sounds as good as a maxon OD808, yet I paid for it.

Roland TD3 module(triggered kick use at live shows). Not a single good kick sample. The one usable one has way too much bass. Sold it at a loss and got a DM5 which has the notorious speed metal kick.

Mesa Stiletto Deuce stage 1. The stage one is bad at metal. It had a heavenly clean and awesome mid gain rock tone, but I needed it to do metal too and it couldn't.