The disappointing purchases thread


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
I'll start

SSD EX and 2 expansions

I was getting on fine with the samples of here and didn't feel the need to upgrade and so what do i do? spend my reamp box money on a temporary deal


saying all that though, im pretty sure the WAVs will get some use
Sansamp BDDI

I just think it sounds like ass

the drive certainly does....

alesis triggerIO for me. a DM5 using its MIDI out is infinitely more useful...even if you have to buy a $20 usb/MIDI adapter for it.

and the original alesis DM5 kit. the "pads" are hard plastic disks, practically louder than real drums, and flat out doesn't work.

nothing against alesis, their better stuff is good.
Please don't shoot me:

Peavey Windsor head.... one trick pony, LOUD AS FUCK! And at the end not the sound I was looking for... so it's mostly my fault, had to dig in deeper before purchasing it.... the postitive thing that it was almost for free @ Thomann at the time ;)
Sansamp PSA-1
Overstayer Stereo Compressor x2

Just can't get a feel for both of them. The PSA-1 doesn't do anything good unless the bass DI signal is stellar. The Overstayers I really struggle to find a home for. Originally intended on drum bus, abandoned when I realized plug-ins sounded better. Trying them now on backing vocals and guitars, but I don't think they're conducive to adding dimensionality to my mixes... they just make stuff middy and upfront... kinda grungy and distorted, and not necessarily in the best way. Still trying to like them really desperately.
EZ Drummer.
Didn't like the sounds (and didn't buy the drumkit from hell), and bought SSD 3.5 with 2 Expansions about one month later for roughly the same price. Never looked back ever since :D

EDIT: Just thought of the preset gear. I can add:
- Marshall MG 50
- Boss ML-2 Metalcore
- Behringer Tuner
- Cheap micstands, cheap guitar and cabinet cables
Superior 2.

They sent me the wrong upgrade from EZDrummer right off the bat, and I had to return it, and they sent me the wrong product again after that. Just getting the right product was a nightmare. I remember having to talk to the president of Toontrack to get it sorted!

Then to top it all off... I suck at using the internal mixer and effects in that program. I could never get anything I really liked no matter how much work I put into it. I remember wasting an entire weekend following Splat's directions on how he got them sounding good. I never got close.
^the key, for me, to getting usable sounds out of EZD lies in not using the internal mixer. only thing i use it for is to select which output channel i want each piece of the kit to go to...then i use my go-to plugins on each channel from there, and treat it like "real" drums
spl charisma.
never really felt the need of having it but i bought it.
if anybody wants to have it....;)
spl charisma.
never really felt the need of having it but i bought it.
if anybody wants to have it....;)

I'll take it off your hands :heh:

My BOSS Metal Zone pedal is my most disappointing purchase, it cost me £78 and in the 2 years i've had it, its barely been taken out of the box, I never use it :mad:
Sansamp PSA-1
Overstayer Stereo Compressor x2

Just can't get a feel for both of them. The PSA-1 doesn't do anything good unless the bass DI signal is stellar. The Overstayers I really struggle to find a home for. Originally intended on drum bus, abandoned when I realized plug-ins sounded better. Trying them now on backing vocals and guitars, but I don't think they're conducive to adding dimensionality to my mixes... they just make stuff middy and upfront... kinda grungy and distorted, and not necessarily in the best way. Still trying to like them really desperately.

maybe you can try to reamp my bass track (just wanna know, is it sound stellar or not based on Ermin taste hehehe :D)

btw, my disappointing purchase is nVidia geforce 9400m, when i built my desktop i thought it would be useful, but after 2 years, i never use it for game.
+1 on Metal Zone ive had mine for about 4 years and only used it for like 1 month at most.

But my a purchase i can think of would be Recabinet, I can never get a good tone I always end up using Guitarhacks lol
Metal zone... until I modded it.
DS1... again till I modded it.
Alesis nano comp: What a piece of worthless shit.
Vox ac100 (such a shitty shitty amp)
Valve JR, even modded that thing sucks
Presonus tube preamps: They are just not that great, honestly I think octane pres sound better
Presonus firepod: I wish I had just started with something better, thing had the worlds shittiest pots on it. In fact, I have yet to own anything presonus that doesn't have shit pots that eventually get dirty or fail.
mxl 909: I really wish I was on the internet and learning about what was shit and what wasn't. It was my first LDC and it was horribly shitty, in fact I think MF blew them out for $40 a pop at one point. I sold it to someone for $20, and I felt bad even charging that much.
yamaha DD55: Being a moron, I though I could bang out simple drum patterns on that thing because it had midi. Yeah no, complete piece of shit.
frontier design alpha track: Yeah, the fader was awesome as far as quality goes, but the buttons were meh, and the rotary encoders sucked in cubase. Sold it. It wasn't a bad unit, it just didn't do what I needed.
Blue phantom powered dynamic ball mic: I got them for $50 each, but they suck. They suck worse than the e609.
The e609: Bah, should have just gotten another sm57, mic sucks.
Zoom 505 (the original one): We all know why these suck ;).