Still Life Cd-Cover.....


I got this shirt yesterday, and I am currently wearing it :) I love this artwork.
I have a similar shirt at home. It'snice, but the artwork lost some power when transferred to cloth. Or maybe it's a fake, I don't know.
Yeah, the black/white thing gets a bit old after awhile. The red SL cover stands out from the group.

I also like the GR cover. Really, I like them all, but SL stands out. what do you think the name actually implies, i never thought about it much but lately ive created quite a mindfuck! is it still life as in a still life picture or in a way thats " its still life though". if this makes any sense. a still life pic is not of a person and this is the only opeth album with a person on the front (well maybe GR).

I'm not sure, but I thought/think that pretty much (maybe) every Opeth album cover has a person/people in there.
Orchid doesn't but the one used on shirts (with that red in the background) there's someone there, don't remember correctly, but I think so.
Morningrise's scenery is so far that it's impossible to say if there's people or not.
MAYH's cover Might have that someone, not sure if it was just made up, but it makes sense.
BWP's cover has several people's shadows, not even hard to notice.
D&D don't have, not 100% sure though.
Ghost Reveries also Obviously has someone there.
Watershed...of course there's no one. :lol:

Lamentations, can't remember correctly, but atleast it has that doll...
RHT has that woodmaskdude/girl/Melinda/Frober/Ghost/something else/Mike/or ...Satan.

I noticed, but this is very subjective, that on the top of the Still Life image, there are somekind of.. shadows, well it looks like shadows but we could think they're only branches, but I just thought they looked like people watching the scene. Probably the Council of the Cross, as told in the lyrics. Or the people, "they wear white for me, seemingly jaded and lost" of the village.

Also the cross that, even if it's quite obvious, reflects in the red water in a man's form, probably the outcast, because he is opposed to the cross (I think that's the only possibility).

The forest ground picture in the background reminds of the context of the story, with songs like "Benighted" where he ask (distantly) Melinda to "come into this night", and probably hide in the woods where nobody will find them.

The roses represent the love and the opportunity offered to Melinda by the outcast to leave the place with him.

The character is, for sure, Melinda (while the picture itself could represent a historical character that I don't know..), who's crying because of the issues caused by the return of the protagonist and her position in this story (where she has the make a hard choice).
She may also cry because she thought she had lost her love forever and now he's back but she cheated on him (because of her new love for God). There are also marks on her (arms), like if she had suffered from injuries, probably refering to religion, or maybe on the part where she dies.

I noticed some birds (ravens?) hanging around the cross, which could also represent death, that is the issue of the story, the final act.

The only real mystery for me is that thing waving in the middle of the picture, that, at first view seems like a hand holding something. I tend to believe that it's nothing at all, but it's hard to think that it was put there with no meanings.


Finally, the name itself, Still life, while not only sounding pretty cool, and (personnally) very deep, could mean many things. I don't know which of the suggestion it really means, but let's see what I can find...

Wikipedia said:
"A Still Life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural or man-made in an artificial setting."
The part about "objects" does not really apply (while we could think God is man-made) but the interesting parts is about the fact that it is unanimated (that stands still, doesn't move...), Mikael always loved that kind of portray. We can also find it in Watershed. It's like a picture of a particular moment, a situation, that seems now eternal on the picture (the end of the story seems to tell that the protagonist and Melinda will love each other beyond life, into eternity). The definition also suggests an "artificial setting", which could mean life itself, like if all in their lives was artificial, and that they only needed to escape from this prison, from the village, together, and go far away. Sadly, the story tells that they only way for them to flee was death, and I think the little outro at the end of White Cluster clearly represent that situation, while very sad, we can feel something beautiful, peaceful, that clearly shows us that while the conclusion seems negative, death (for the protagonist who died after Melinda, and in the end just wanted to join her) was
in fact a deliverance.

And after all, even if this is a story on a album, told with music, this is still life, it's still how life was, is and will probably be. People will always believe in Gods because of their fear, will always generate so much injustice.. and even if one dies, or many, it's still life, after all , and there will always be unsolved questions, unclear situations.