Still Life cough

I can't tell which of you are being sarcastic or not, but there was a thread a little while back and Mike is definitely saying "Melinda" at 10:08 or so. Apparently used to do it live, so there you go.
^ wtf, why would that be pathetic? who gives a fuck if you're "positive" it's a sigh, i'm just saying that this has been discussed (numerous times) and he says "melinda".

listen to the fucking song dickface.
Whoa, ease up woman. I'm just saying that i have heard it numerous times, and i have concentrated very closely, yes i am aware that it has been discussed that he says Melinda, but from the amounts of times that i have played and hear it, i'm positive it's a sigh. Dickface.
well you must be right, considering the "amounts of times that i have played and hear it".
like i said, who gives a fuck what you think. i think it says "melinda" and i'm sticking with that,despite the fact that it's "pathetic". wtf?
Well good for you asswipe! Ok let me rephrase what i said then. I am positive it's a sigh. IMHO! Dear God... who gives a fuck what he says? No need for you to even slightly be pissed because we have different interpretations of what the fuck he says. Get over it!
As amusing as the Melinda theory is, I have to say it sounds like a sigh to me. And yeah, I used nice headphones and shit. But whatever. Either way, it really doesn't sound like a cough at all.

Sort of a dumb thing to argue about IMO.
Funny thread!
I like the fuss that has been made!
Who really cares in the end?

..well.. actually.. i think it's quite apparent, quite a few of you care to some degree!
i was listening to "The Moor" real loud in my car a few weeks ago, while i was driving in the dark.. i got a really creepy feeling when i heard that sigh!

i loved it.. !