Stockholm guys...Swedes in general, need travel assistance!


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hello guys,

I will be taking a short vacation in Stockholm in late September. I have never been there and need some guidance.

What is the best airport to fly in from? (I will be flying in from Munich)

Which neighborhood should I search for hotels in? There are a million hotels from what I've seen and I have NO clue where to start!

Which major attractions or general fun stuff should I check out while on my vacation?

Lastly, any Sneapsters want to meet for some beers? :rock:

If anyone can help me out I'd greatly appreciate it! I will be coming from a two week vacation from Holland, Belgium, and Germany with friends. I've always wanted to visit Sweden, so it seems like the perfect time!



haha. Seriously, it sounds like a blast. Feel free to take pics and post them when you get back. Have fun!
Thanks dude, haha Towelie. Love that guy! I will for sure.

I'mn actually considering Norway instead of Sweden too. I'm thinking of flying into Oslo from Munich, spending a couple days, then take the train ride from Oslo to Bergen, then flying home.

Scandinavian dudes: help!

Yeah I'm starting to add up costs of this leg of the trip and yowza is it expensive haha. But the first part is definitely on...buying plane tickets this Sat.!

Can't wait!

You can live almost anywhere inside stockholm, taking the subway from anywhere into the centre of town takes like 10-15 minutes.
Check out Södermalm if you want to visit some music stores and be sure to check out old town for a trip back in time.

Other than that I suck balls at tourist attractions... I just know the bars and restaurants :D
You can live almost anywhere inside stockholm, taking the subway from anywhere into the centre of town takes like 10-15 minutes.
Check out Södermalm if you want to visit some music stores and be sure to check out old town for a trip back in time.

Other than that I suck balls at tourist attractions... I just know the bars and restaurants :D

Thanks dude. :rock:

Gamla Stan (Old town) is awesome!
Just avoid fast food like rape cause it's expensive as all hell!
Oh, def. take the subway... it puts every other subway in the world to shame and is infact better/cleaner/faster than the entire british rail service :lol:

Fire across the water to Vaasa if you have time! :lol:
Haha thanks for the suggestions guys. Still trying to work out the finances to see if it's possible. I also have less vacation days at work then I thought! Argh!
