Stolen Merch PPUSA '13


Perfectly Flawed
May 8, 2007
Smyrna, GA
I've not posted here in years but I do lurk. I've been going to PPUSA for quite a few years and never had anything of this magnitude happen.

I had bought at least $120 worth of CDs at the merch tables and put them in a white Century Media bag. I went to the ladies restroom near the signing table and left the bag on the table after washing my hands. I immediately left to get a drink at the vinyl. Less than 5-10 minutes later I realize where I left it and run back to the restrooms only to find my bag in the trash can. Empty.

Posting here won't get me any of my merch back. However, I feel I should make a general statement about this and bring awareness to old PPUSA goers that the community at PPUSA has very much changed.

Even 5 years ago I could have left my bag somewhere and had someone either chase after me or just not f*^king touch my shit.

Just as a general reminder to all PPUSA goers. Try your best not to leave your merch laying around.

I hope whatever chick with a large bag that took my shit is very happy with my music selection.

I'm very disappointed that this happened at a generally safe concert venue. Also; as I'm used to Progpower attendees having much more CLASS than this it's doubly disappointing.

As I said, what's lost and stolen is gone and nothing can be done but gone are the days you can leave a bag is a seat, go get a drink and come back without incident. I left mine by accident but I know many PPUSA attendees leave bags in seats to save them and apparently PPUSA is no longer safe to do so.

Just a public service announcement.

Have a fun, safe rest of the festival.
Sorry that you had to go through this. This should never happen, but unfortunately there are assholes out there that have no morals or respect. I hope karma gets whoever did this.
This blows but I was talking to Jason who went this weekend and he even said that it was shocking to see people opening leave stuff they bought on seats with no one around. Just because we are freind's on here doesn't mean everyone is trustworthy. I sucks hard. You would hope people who all are there for supporting a fest / music wouldn't be that way...but the sad part is there are bad apples everywhere.
that is flat out fucking lame to say the least....
Makes me thankful that I decided to go back to my seat and grab my lense in my bag I left under my seat while I ran to hit the bathroom..
(That would have been a $1200 loss)...

Guess even in our relatively peaceful group we have a closet knucklehead or 2
I lost the Myrath shirt I bought, too, so I feel your pain. I think it fell out of my bag as I was getting something else out. I'm sure someone saw it fall, too, and no one said anything. I just re-bought the t-shirt, but had to go a size smaller. :/
I really just need to be more proactive about getting into a hotel that is closer. Which means booking earlier of course. I'm usually down at 14th street Marriott or The W and the walk is okay but not short enough for a between set walk to drop off my stuff. Making it easier for me to drop stuff off in my rooms would certainly be an intelligent improvement on my part. Heh.

Chris, glad no one jacked your super expensive camera lens. That could have been seriously horrible! :(
... those of us who'd have chased you down still exist. :)

True. But I hope you wouldn't have been in the women's restroom. :)

I really just need to be more proactive about getting into a hotel that is closer. Which means booking earlier of course. I'm usually down at 14th street Marriott or The W and the walk is okay but not short enough for a between set walk to drop off my stuff. Making it easier for me to drop stuff off in my rooms would certainly be an intelligent improvement on my part. Heh.

Or give it to those of us who hang out with you for almost the entire festival who DO have close hotel rooms. ;) Don't forget to email me and let me know what you were missing! I'm a pretty big Morgana Lefay guru myself.
Wow! That is super shitty.....I'm sure nobody on this board that goes to this event would ever do something like that, but all it takes is one asshole who heard about the event from the street, decided to buy a ticket and then proceed to act like a 12 year hold getting his kicks from taking other people's personal property....People like that just make me sick!!!

The sucky party is that Glenn has no control of those very few assholes that wind up at shows like this.....As a prior victim of a burglary myself, I understand your pain, just hang in there.....
I had some very precious autographed merchandise this year and, since it was over half a mile back to my hotel, I worked around the danger of burglary by asking vendors to watch it for me. It won't be guaranteed to work, and I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but it pulled my stuff through. Good friends can mean the world anytime, anywhere.
Living just down the road in Alabama, I drove to the festival. I usually park in the outdoor lot just across the street from the site.

I have zero problem letting people store their purchases in the trunk of my car between sets. This was my second year attending and I have every intention of being there in 2014. Just drop me a line in the weeks heading up to PPUSA XV and we can coordinate a link up to exchange instructions. I can hang loose after each night until people retrieve their stuff.