Stomp 442 Appreciation


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2003
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I still listen to the classic 80's era Anthrax albums weekly. This thread however deals with their 1996 masterpiece Stomp 442 which is their best album to date in my opinion, and yes I have and am in love with We Have Come For You All but it will not overtake Stomp 442.

The sheer confidence that the band displayed on that album was their highest point ever, and the best transition from a successful and complete thrash carreer to a new era in rock metal. (I hate to bring it back up, but) to have had that much heart and pride invested in an album and for it to be completely ignored by the label and underappreciated by cold-blooded critics has changed the face of Anthrax forever. Lightning obviously did strike twice with Volume 8, a great album in its own right, but how can the band have gone from the incredible, creatively-patterned and ultra-cool edged Stomp 442 to the much toned-down rock Volume 8 without some kind of break in confidence. With the huge hard music collection that I possess (thanks journalism) John Bush's portfolio with Anthrax is [for me] akin to a bible, though Stomp 442 was my favorite era. (and ultimately, the most neglected)

I believe Anthrax will achieve some much-deserved commercial success from this We Have Come For You All campaign and deservedly so, I am already labelling it album of the year and making everyone I know memorize the US street date regardless of whether they have ever heard of the band or not, metal fan or not. Still, the question begs to be asked: How would things have been different had Stomp 442 taken over the world like it should have?
Stomp (expanded version) is the album I am listening to the most right now. 'King size' and 'Tester' absolutely blow me away!! but I would say that overall I prefer Vol.8.
Thanks vomit, my memory failed me. I saw them with Pantera in 97 and thought the album came out in the previous year because of the Stomp 442 tour theme although I had in fact purchased the album two years prior. (Too much weed during those years)

Stomp 442 and SOWN cannot be judged with the same mindset. The former is a rock album and the latter a thrash one. Come to think of it, that transition was their most drastic ever. WHCFYA is indeed a return to a form that falls between those two, so I am as in love with the new album as I am amazed that they have gained back some confidence.

But does anyone agree that Stomp 442 is their meanest album (musically at least) to date? Every song, including Bare was a big fuck you to the world at a time when everyone was expecting another SOWN. They did a 360 degrees in style and no one followed them. The album lived up to its title, and like an Olds 442 left everyone in the dust before they could even see the car. (Thanks Elektra and lazy fairweather fans)
Stomp is probably my fav. of the Bush era. WCFYA is right there in terms of sound. These two are great metal albums. SOWN is in third, and I still think VOL. 8 is the worst of them all. It just was to diverse and not heavy enough for my taste.
I'll have to let WHCFYA be a soundtrack to my life for at least a year before I'd even consider putting it above SOWN, which I associate with many memories throughout the 90's and beyond. But it has potential and it's good to see another Stomp 442'er.
As much as I like Stomp, I feel SOWN is light years ahead of it!!! Vol. 8, too. To my way of looking at it, Stomp is too one-dimensional, and I never thougt the production did justice to John's voice.

"Fueled", "Random Acts", and "Tester" crush some serious skulls though!

A good--not great--album.
John's voice is definitely lower in the Stomp 442 mix than on any other album, though entirely audible nonetheless. Good point.

If you like Random Acts, how can Perpetual Motion not move you, nevermind American Pompeii??

Please explain what puts Volume 8 above Stomp 442. I'm not going to rip you apart and start a debate, just want to hear.
Sorry for not mentioning American Pompeii...anothe fave of mine from that say nothing of "Nothing" that tune as well.

I just thought Vol. 8 was more cohesive, and better produced. Just an opinion. I was so hooked on Vol. 8 when I heard the intro to crush, and that insistent a great album.

Killing box, P & V, and so on.....I still think SOWN edges V8 by a short margin.....

Thought you would like to know.

The new stuff rules IMO!!! Can hardly wait to get my disc!!!
If you like Crush, then please go listen to In A Zone off Stomp 442. Same pace, same tom beats, similar riff and no double bass. Still you should find both intros to be oddly similar.

Have you heard WHCFYA in its entirety yet? Strap It On reminds me of Grunt & Click, a Stomp 442 b-side, and that makes me very very happy. A Safe Home all but BELONGS on SOWN. I'm laughing with elation at how they have returned to original Bush form!!

I haven't heard the new one yet but as far as the 3 Bush era albums that I know:

stomp was the rawest, boldest and pumped up that all

sown was the most cutting edge and the band was reborn

vol 8 was the most emotional. period
mmmmmm man alive that is tough.... i love all 4 albums in the bush era........ gotta say tho stomp442 is an absolute classic and it is a huuuuge shitter that it just got ignored by everyman and its dog.

pesonally tho i don't see one album as a rock album another as a thrash album, each record is simply a great anthrax record regardless of what style they adopt for the majority of the album......

personally i think all 4 albums destroyed....... but if i had to rank em........

sound of white noise
we have come for you all
stomp 442
volume 8:

thats not to say i think stomp and volume are bad, quite the opposite they all rule, just love the energy in sown, and the lyrics esp......the thing with stomp whilst i LOVE the riffs, the breaks the sound.......some of the lyrics do make me cringe a little " its difficult for me to get a grip of what you mean, when you stick your fingers in your ears and create another scene" that tho it kills ...... perpetual motion, fueled, kingsize, damn man... alll so so cool, so tho i have put em in an order i reckon that order changes a lot, each record has some amazing songs on ( i mean stealing from a thief !!! man !!!)