Stoner Rock


Mar 30, 2005
North Dakota
favorite bands? albums? discuss anything Stoner Rock.

My two favorite bands would have to be Kyuss and Fu Manchu. I can't get enough of FM's cover of godzilla, it's brilliant. Now that I can smoke again, me and my buddy are starting up a Stoner Rockish band (never fear, Patricide is still my main band:D ) so we'll see how that goes.

I've heard so many people label STP SR, but I just can't agree with that...they're too grungy IMO.
Queens of the Stone Age

Monster Magnet (though some of the Stoner rock diehards hate 'em, I'm sure).

I also like Electric Wizard and that style of doom for sure....

Anyway, I saw Monster Magnet this year (or last year was it?) and they were great. Dave W. is a real mix between Iggy Pop, Sabbath, and who knows what. I love that stuff.....Also, their latest record was great, I thought.

And I just saw Queens of the Stone Age the other night....they were awesome. My first time seeing them, but it will NOT be my last. Killer show.
You could call some of these bands Stoner/Doom. Whatever, they're still very good.

Anything John Garcia does is gold to my ears :)

Grand Magus
Orange Goblin
Slo Burn
Spiritual Beggars

I like doom, but I dislike stoner. The closer I stand is when Cathedral plays it a bit.
I like some stoner rock or whatever you want to call it. One of my favorite bands is Trouble. They are more Doom metal I guess, but they are similar I think. I hate labels anyway, it's all metal in my book! Some others in this type of style I like, Fireball Ministry, Sheavy, Fu Manchu, Monster Magnet.
There's an awesome Swedish band that plays a mix of stoner/desert doom with a hint of Deep Purple, Soundgarden and Badlands (Jake E Lee's late 80s band). The band is named THE QUILL and I highly recommend seeking them out.

Some of you may have heard their vocalist, Magnus, on Ayreon's "Human Equation" disc.

Great vocals.....reminds me of a mix of Chris Cornell and Rey Gillen (Sabbath, Badlands).
I don't even know what Stoner Rock is. That's one of the genres I don't understand. Most of the bands that you guys listed (that I've heard) sound like alternative rock to me. Maybe I'm just not listening close enough. But then again, I don't really like that stuff much, so why bother.

I did download a couple of The Quill songs when I was researching all the players in the Human Equation. That band sounded pretty good!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I did download a couple of The Quill songs when I was researching all the players in the Human Equation. That band sounded pretty good!

Good to hear. The Quill's debut is heavily influenced by Deep Purple, particularly in the heavy organ (a la John Lord). Their more recent releases are less organ-driven and more pure guitar rock. I can easily see fans of Purple, Zeppelin, etc., as well as fans of Soundgarden digging this band. Of course, they also feature the heavy, slow riffs too, so doom fans should like them. The atmosphere, however, is not dark in the least....this is not the doom of Candlemass. In fact, it's really not doom in and of itself. Its just easy to see doom fans enjoying them.
delize said:
Orange Goblin

Their album "Time Travelling Blues" is the best stoner album... IMO.


I love that album! :) I think a lot of people call them Doom, but they sound more Stoner to me.
delize said:

I love that album! :) I think a lot of people call them Doom, but they sound more Stoner to me.

Yeah, I guess the albums after Time Travelling Blues are more doomy... which may explain why I didn't like any of them. :lol: Either way, TTB gives me a buzz when I listen to it so it must be stoner. :)
I'm not really that sure what Stoner Rock is either. I've heard about 4 songs by Orange Goblin and they were alright but nothing special. Someone gave me a couple of cds a few weeks ago, Helmet and Gonga, I only listened to them once but I thought they were a bit shitey. Are they stoner rock or not. I don't know, I don't have a clue.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I don't even know what Stoner Rock is. That's one of the genres I don't understand. Most of the bands that you guys listed (that I've heard) sound like alternative rock to me. Maybe I'm just not listening close enough. But then again, I don't really like that stuff much, so why bother.

Fuck man, this post looks like you thinking out loud.
Maybe you'd like this one back?!:loco:
Check out Electric Frankenstein...
Atomic Bitch Wax....
Greeno said:
Yeah, I guess the albums after Time Travelling Blues are more doomy... which may explain why I didn't like any of them. :lol: Either way, TTB gives me a buzz when I listen to it so it must be stoner. :)

Uh! OK! :lol:

I've had a buzz for the last week, due to having a flu bug :(
Trouble is one of my top ten bands. I don't care what they are called, doom or stoner or ?. They have some great stuff and are releasing a new CD next year! First one in about 12 years I think. I can't wait to hear it!:headbang:
I had the pleasure last year of seeing Fu Manchu and High On Fire
when they opened up for Clutch. Here are some of my suggestions on doom
or stoner rock.
Devil To Pay
Mantis-the indiana band not the ozzfest contest band.
The Gates Of Slumber-this indy band to me puts the "D" in doom metal
Europe watch for this band next year!
Thorns Of Carrion-A recently reformed Blackened Doom Death band from
Kentucky highly recommended!
High On Fire-I think a mod described them as "Doomerhead" fast paced but still doomy is how I describe that fine band.
Monster Magnet-old up to Dopes To Infinity.
St. Vitus
The Hidden Hand
Just to name a few.:headbang:
I'm a huge doom and stoner fan. Some of my favourites:

Acid King
Big Business
Buried at Sea
Electric Wizard
Fu Manchu
Grand Magus
Karma to Burn
Kyuss (of course!!!)
Monster Magnet
Orange Goblin
QOTSA (first 2 albums)
Sixty Watt Shaman
Slo Burn
Spiritual beggars
The Great Escape
The Atomic Bitchwax
Black Nasa
the Hidden Hand

loads more at home i'm probably forgetting!