Stop the b.s.


New Metal Member
Apr 4, 2005
This is my opinion on the matter: I have this sinking feeling that Anthrax's days are numbered. This stunt may have backfired. I for one, feel betrayed by this. John Bush needs to stay in the band. Bush-thrax must survive! Bella-thrax should only be a one-time deal. No albums. No EPs. No new songs. Those should be reserved for Bush-thrax. Stay true to your fans. Don't pull a Metallishit on us.
i think anthrax will be around in ten years time,after the reunion they wipe out there sanctuary contract with a live cd release the shop for a new deal,one would think they at least get a 3 record deal to see them out,i know they are not going to do this forever.

and scott 9-5 i dont think so,many guitar magazines have said he is one of the best rthym guitarists in the business,anthrax is his baby but i doubt he would find it hard to get a gig lol.
OK, so it's going ahead. It's a crap , sell-out idea. And there's nothing I can do about it!
BUT, hopfully when the mighty John Bush come's back and they want to do a new album. F**k record company's and their money grabbing industry ways. Do a 'Marillion'.
Fan power. Anthrax and totally do it this way..........

Then I'll surport them. But this 'reunion' f**king way dude.
graham247 said:
OK, so it's going ahead. It's a crap , sell-out idea. And there's nothing I can do about it!
BUT, hopfully when the mighty John Bush come's back and they want to do a new album. F**k record company's and their money grabbing industry ways. Do a 'Marillion'.
Fan power. Anthrax and totally do it this way..........

Then I'll surport them. But this 'reunion' f**king way dude.
Okay, explain to me how reuniting with Joey and Dan is a sell-out.
Resunikcufecin said:
Okay, explain to me how reuniting with Joey and Dan is a sell-out.

sell out
  1. Dispose of entirely by selling. For example, The rancher finally sold out to the oil company, or The tickets to the concert were sold out a month ago. [Late 1700s]
  2. Betray one's cause or colleagues, as in He sold out to the other side. [Slang; late 1800s]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
Copyright © 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
old school headbanger said:
sell out
  1. Dispose of entirely by selling. For example, The rancher finally sold out to the oil company, or The tickets to the concert were sold out a month ago. [Late 1700s]
  2. Betray one's cause or colleagues, as in He sold out to the other side. [Slang; late 1800s]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
Copyright © 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Yeah, I know what a "sellout" is. Now, explain to me how reuniting with Joey and Dan = sellout.
mrthrax said:
i think anthrax will be around in ten years time,after the reunion they wipe out there sanctuary contract with a live cd release the shop for a new deal,one would think they at least get a 3 record deal to see them out,i know they are not going to do this forever.

and scott 9-5 i dont think so,many guitar magazines have said he is one of the best rthym guitarists in the business,anthrax is his baby but i doubt he would find it hard to get a gig lol.

And professor, where did you recieve your MBA?

"A live album will get them at least a 3 album deal!" ROTMFFLMAO
That's quite possibly the funniest thing I've heard in a while!
Even bands that are popular don't sell for shit anymore, because the WHOLE INDUSTRY IS IN THE SHITTER. Bands like Aerosmith, KISS, Alice Cooper, Rolling Stones and other legends don't have contracts worth shit, and you think some major is gonna come sign Anthrax. *Oh the stupidity*
TD said:
And professor, where did you recieve your MBA?

"A live album will get them at least a 3 album deal!" ROTMFFLMAO
That's quite possibly the funniest thing I've heard in a while!
Even bands that are popular don't sell for shit anymore, because the WHOLE INDUSTRY IS IN THE SHITTER. Bands like Aerosmith, KISS, Alice Cooper, Rolling Stones and other legends don't have contracts worth shit, and you think some major is gonna come sign Anthrax. *Oh the stupidity*

i didnt say they will shop a new deal with a live album i said the live album would finish there contract so they can look for a better deal,i dont remember saying a major label would sign them,all they need is a small label that actually does care about promoting bands.

td i just think u are scared that this reunion will be a success,dont sook because things dont alway go your way!
Originally Posted by Resunikcufecin
Okay, explain to me how reuniting with Joey and Dan is a sell-out.

Just perhaps Scott and Charlie realized they made a huge career mistake by firing Joey?

And so what if they wanted to make some decent money, they cant keep touring clubs forever. Would you prefer they went out and got regular jobs?
max said:
this will backfire.
people won't take them seriously after this.

will scott get a 9-5 after this?

personally i think this tour might suprise alot of people and show the world that after 20+ years in the buisness that anthrax still are a force to be reckoned with :worship: :headbang:
crimson773 said:
This is my opinion on the matter: I have this sinking feeling that Anthrax's days are numbered. This stunt may have backfired. I for one, feel betrayed by this. John Bush needs to stay in the band. Bush-thrax must survive! Bella-thrax should only be a one-time deal. No albums. No EPs. No new songs. Those should be reserved for Bush-thrax. Stay true to your fans. Don't pull a Metallishit on us.

I feel betrayed?? Trax owns nobody nothing, they can do whatver they want!! maybe you would like to be in a band and tour the US for 100 people a night?? maybe it's money, maybe they are fed up with Bush, who cares!! the can live theire own lifes! i've said it a year ago, Trax won't make it till 2010 , they had theire 15 second of fame!!!
You've told your fans John is not out of the band, but is he in the band? Is this what your telling us so that you have something to fall back on when your one time club and a few shitty festivals tour is over? Are you going to personally take the knife out of his back or have someone else do it for you? Who will be your fan base then? What did his 11 or 12 years mean to you? And what about the GOTE? Why did you bother? Do you people really think John is staying home to be with his new baby? Would that be a good career choice or is he sitting out because sharing a stage with another singer in a band that was his for to perform 191/2 min. per night is not in his best interest? Think about it. You kick Joey and Danny out of the band. Talk a lot of shit about them and the lack of skills the have and then boom your all friends again and on with the show. I'm sure all true personalities will shine through at some point throughout the summer. Rob, no not an official member so he can just be tossed to the side like the others in the revolving door you call Anthrax. I saw in another thread Mr. Wu went out to dinner with Rob. Oh then it all must be cool not as others have heard directly from him. As the title says "stop the b.s."
Metaldogface said:
Do you people really think John is staying home to be with his new baby?

Is that so fuckin' far fetched? I took time off to be with my son when he was born. Maybe he actually said "Hey guys I'm gonna sit this one out, spend time w/ the family I barely see."

If so, I respect that.
the uh "the uh This is shit and lemme tell ya why" threads are getting old. billions of threads have been started on this exact subject and people have said this over and over. it's old, but if you have to post it in anoher thread someone else started specifically about this.
and that shit about him and his son. of course he fucking wants time off. he could be recording here and there or writing if he does any. but he's not gonna tour. he loves that kid AND has to be around to take care of it. Mom can't do it 24/7 i don't have kids and i fuckin know that.