Stop the b.s.

I hope John's kid grows up to be part of the Anthrax Family and we shall continue to rock into the old age home!! :) I admire John's choice, many fathers choose careers over their children.
dogface I would dare say you do not have children. Being a Dad of two I can tell you (like many others here could as well) that having kids will change your life in many ways. Lots of things become less important if important at all. It is an amazing time in a person's life having kids, especially first borns. I've seen lots of dudes who totally changed what they do in life after that moment in their life.
crimson773 said:
This is my opinion on the matter: I have this sinking feeling that Anthrax's days are numbered. This stunt may have backfired. I for one, feel betrayed by this. John Bush needs to stay in the band. Bush-thrax must survive! Bella-thrax should only be a one-time deal. No albums. No EPs. No new songs. Those should be reserved for Bush-thrax. Stay true to your fans. Don't pull a Metallishit on us.

the more i think about it, the more "betrayed" i feel by this reunion thing too ... john bush is THE voice of anthrax as far as i'm concerned ... i just think that john's voice is more fitting ... he has more, uh ... balls ... i know this ... whatever kind of media they produce from this ... cd/dvd, whatever ... i won't buy it ... nope.
Resunikcufecin said:
Okay, explain to me how reuniting with Joey and Dan is a sell-out.

i haven't quite figured that whole "sell out" thing out ... i mean, i look at my self ... if nothing had changed with anthrax, i'd be one of the first in my neighbor to own their new recording when they produced one ... with the reunited anthrax, i will not buy anything they produce ... i've listened to anthrax since "among the living" and i always thought that joey belladonna sucked ... perhaps for some reason or another, the record company thought it'd be a good idea but i think that's a long-shot ... i think that the reunion is more than a sell-out, it's a step backwards for the band ... just when things were looking good and promising for the future too ... and ... that sucks.
crimson773 said:
This is my opinion on the matter: I have this sinking feeling that Anthrax's days are numbered. This stunt may have backfired. I for one, feel betrayed by this. John Bush needs to stay in the band. Bush-thrax must survive! Bella-thrax should only be a one-time deal. No albums. No EPs. No new songs. Those should be reserved for Bush-thrax. Stay true to your fans. Don't pull a Metallishit on us.

Can I ask you something? Who the fuck died and made you the sole decision maker on what the band can or can't do? Joey, Frank, and Dan coming back is the best thing to happen since Bruce Dickenson came back to Iron Maiden but you Bushies just want to whine like 6 year olds "Oh Whaa! Bush got betrayed! They're only doing this for the money Whaa whaa whaa" WELL FUCK YOU TOO FROM NOW ON! You call yourselves true fans and yet you show no respect about the band's decision. Note to all you Bush fanatics, this is a business, sometimes members leave and sometimes they come back that's the way it is. I showed Bush some acceptance when he first joined and I want you guys to give the same curtisy for Belladonna so grow up or shut up!
As I stated, it's my opinion. Did I ever say I was an authority or have any say in the matter? I just think that vocally Bush has a lot more chemistry with the band for the type of music they're playing. I understand that maybe they're trying to appease the old school fans by reuniting, I understand that this is a business decision also. It's just a shame that Bush gets the axe when Anthrax, IMO, is starting to pick up momentum again, that is, if Bush is actually out. I too grew up with Joey in the band but the new sound definitely makes them a contender in today's arena of "hardcore" music.
What New Sound!? Anthrax have always written and composed Heavy Metal music the way it's supposed to be played be it John or Joey on the mic so long as Scott and Charlie continue to write good songs all they need is the right vocalist and not every band gets the oppurtunity to have two in a row ;) Did I mention "Volume 8..." is the best comeback album of their careers? John Bush is the only man who can fill Joey's shoes and he's got my respect for that, so please show some for Joey okay That's all I'm trying to say
I started with ATL, then i got Return of the Killer A's, and i was like woah, but they both, IMO, are best with the song they sang first, but i dont think Joey is as good live as John. But i do like that Joey seems a bit more animated on stage than John. So as long as the drum kit is where can see it i'll still go to see them live.
I´m not buying a single word about the Anthrax family, brotherhood and stuff, but I´m not gonna bitch any more and wait and see.