nice idea for both Anthrax eras fans


Feb 28, 2002
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I posted this on the other thread but I'm posting it in it's own shinny new thread:

Mr. Wu said:
I'll be posting here next year about a new album and you'll either like it or you won't. Simple as that.

Man, I was about to start bitchin' cause we have to wait until next year to hear a new album and then I realised it's almost October... I hope the new stuff comes out soon...

I don't know what happened and why the sudden line-up change and I don't really give two shits, the bad thing I feel is that Anthrax seemed to have a HUGE momentum back when they released WCFYA and kept it going with MOMD and GOTE... and it's all gone now. That's a shame, and that's why I hope they'll really wrap this Reunion business as it was supposed to happen and try to regain that momentum they had post WCFYA...

That said, I wouldn't mind a new Belladonna album, but I'd DEFINETLY mind no more Bush in my Thrax...

So here's my bright idea of the day:

Since there's this huge rift in the fan-base because of the events of this year, if *I* had any say (which I don't but piss off, I'm having my moment of clarity here) The next step I'd take, without any doubt whatsoever, would be to make a profit from all this mess and do the unthinkable and do what's NEVER EVER been done before (therefore breaking new ground and earning muchos praises):

Next album:
*A full batch of new material
*John Bush / Rob Caggiano
*Joey Belladonna / Dan Spitz

Yeah you heard it right biotches. Two line ups, two different singers, together in one ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY CRUNCHING new album. That'd be a first kiddies. And you get to please everyone. And I get to be right and flip you all off (but that's just an added bonus)...

No really... Instead of bitching about how things are right now, we should demand day and night that this happens. You all know you want it.

As an alternative I vote for GOTE vol.2 with Bolladonna singing Bush era songs.
Jacowboy said:
I posted this on the other thread but I'm posting it in it's own shinny new thread:

Man, I was about to start bitchin' cause we have to wait until next year to hear a new album and then I realised it's almost October... I hope the new stuff comes out soon...

I don't know what happened and why the sudden line-up change and I don't really give two shits, the bad thing I feel is that Anthrax seemed to have a HUGE momentum back when they released WCFYA and kept it going with MOMD and GOTE... and it's all gone now. That's a shame, and that's why I hope they'll really wrap this Reunion business as it was supposed to happen and try to regain that momentum they had post WCFYA...

That said, I wouldn't mind a new Belladonna album, but I'd DEFINETLY mind no more Bush in my Thrax...

So here's my bright idea of the day:

Since there's this huge rift in the fan-base because of the events of this year, if *I* had any say (which I don't but piss off, I'm having my moment of clarity here) The next step I'd take, without any doubt whatsoever, would be to make a profit from all this mess and do the unthinkable and do what's NEVER EVER been done before (therefore breaking new ground and earning muchos praises):

Next album:
*A full batch of new material
*John Bush / Rob Caggiano
*Joey Belladonna / Dan Spitz

Yeah you heard it right biotches. Two line ups, two different singers, together in one ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY CRUNCHING new album. That'd be a first kiddies. And you get to please everyone. And I get to be right and flip you all off (but that's just an added bonus)...

No really... Instead of bitching about how things are right now, we should demand day and night that this happens. You all know you want it.

As an alternative I vote for GOTE vol.2 with Bolladonna singing Bush era songs.

that was what was condsidered for this tour... :err:
JohnThrax said:
that was what was condsidered for this tour... :err:

Yeah... for a "TOUR".... I'm talking about an album release here... BIG difference. But anyhow, has it ever been done by any band? I mean releasing a studio album of new material with different line-ups? I know of live albums with different line-ups... Kiss' unplugged (which is fantastic BTW, only Kiss I own) comes to mind... but no studio releases...
I thought about it too, but not the way Matt suggests...more like Ball Of Confusion type (the whole album), or the way Biohazard does it with two singers. That would be cool, but still I think it's science fiction.
it`s not a bad idea at all. But I prefer one line -up touring, releasing new material. And my pic is the line up that`s touring right now.
Ultimately it really drastically redefines who is Anthrax, right? Which they don't even know anymore.