Story of your life


Apr 14, 2008
TimeWarrior posted a great post. We can all sum our lives up in a few sentences like him. I love this. He wrote,

"I dont have a song that changed my life, my lifes been pretty run of the mill I guess. Didnt excell at school, hated everyone got into rock and metal, started playing guitar went to college dropped out dossed about for a few years fell into a job in IT.

My life didnt have a soundtrack and if it did I would have been too fucked up on drugs to remember it anyway, so I have songs I like that I listen to when in certain moods. simple really."

This guy is great!

Lets all post our life's story. I'll post mine in a bit.
Whilst all true, its not special in anyway :D

I gave up the drugs when I was about 26 I'm 32 on Monday.
I dont regret anything in my life and I believe I accomplished what I wanted at the time.

I've since got married, had a son and started flying lessons, this is Timewarrior v2.0

Funny thing is, I swear my guitar playing was a lot better before I turned 26....weird huh?
Happy Birthday, Timewarrior!

Story of My Life

High school seemed like such a blur,
I didn't have much interest in sports or school elections
And in class I dreamed all day,
Of a rock 'n' roll weekend.

And the girl in the front of the room,
So close yet so far y'know she never seemed to notice
That this silly schoolboy crush
Wasn't just pretend.

Life goes by so fast
You only want to do what you think is right
Close your eyes and then it's past;
Story of my life.

And I went down my old neighborhood
The faces have all changed there's no one left to talk to
And the pool hall I loved as a kid
Is now a 7-Eleven.

I went downtown to look for a job
I had no training, no experience to speak of
I looked at the holes in my jeans
And turned and headed back.


Good times come and good times go,
I only wish the good times would last a little longer
I think about the good times we had
And why they had to end.

So I sit at the edge of my bed
I strum my guitar and I sing an outlaw love song
Thinkin' 'bout what you're doin' now
And when you're comin' back.
Haha...I just found the perfect quote from a song,that fairly defines my life:

"The factory walls here leave no room to breathe,
You're 34,and some old friends became only memories.
And still you need to hide your bitter tears,
And dream of somewhere far away,far away from here.

Swallowed by this material world,
Pre-ordained from his death to birth,
Can't break free,suffering in pain,
Following the everlasting flame."

(Kreator:Everlasting flame - beautiful song!!!):headbang:
Social Distortion sucks balls live! Too bad they got like 3 good hits and the rest is bloody shite! Couldn't tell one song from another.