storytime in the motw forum


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
while we wait for xfer to upload pics.

i haven't had a chance to post this yet but those of you who know me personally probably have heard about this. anyhoo i am too lazy to write it again so i will copy and paste it from an e-mail i sent:

it is a story of a boy and a girl and a mystery.

so i decided to go out drinking and live up the bourbon st. nightlife to its fullest on my last night there.

i found myself with a 32oz. beer courtesy of a local beer vendor and then i proceeded to walk the streets looking for a club to go in and see some tunes.

after much debate and walking i decided to go into a place called the bourbon st. blues company. there was a rocking cover band playing there which made me happy.

now in addition to the regular bar there were these "shot-girls" walking around which are attractive females dressed sexy who have shots in long vials to sell to you while you are out on the dance floor(i was rocking out!). Any-hoo they give you your shot in a very sultry seductive manner and it is all great fun and not sleazy like strip clubs.

over the course of the night i began doing a number of these shots with a shot girl named Caitlyn. It should be noted that i did do another shot with another shot girl who proceeded to mimic stabbing herself with my gothic amulet necklace but that is neither here nor there, so back to the story...

Caitlyn is a sweet girl who in addition to doing shots with me, actually talks to me about where i am from and who i am and we have a great time. she gives me a couple kisses on the cheek and i kissed her once on the cheek and maybe it was drunkeness but i felt a connection of sorts(note: usually when i feel this about any girl i am wrong) and since i was nervous to try anything i just kind of figured that there was nothing there and it would be better to go because i am sure these girls get hit on all the time. so i tell her i am leaving and i proceed to head back down bourbon st. towards my hotel.

about halfway down i decide that it is my last night here and what do i have to lose(this is after alot of beer and shots) and so i march back down to the club. i find her and get a couple more shots and tell her i changed my mind and she smiled at me. Now this is where it gets weird.

so i am talking to her and i say "i have to ask...what time do you get off tonight?"
she says: "as soon as i finish selling these(points to shots)"
i reply: "would you like to go out(keep in mind that this is happening at about 4am)"
she says: "yes"
i smile and inside i am confused because frankly, this is the first time i have ever had enough balls to ask a girl out right to her face and it actually worked!

now before we all cheer, the bottom line is that the rest of the night is a mystery to which i cannot explain.

basically, she comes down after a while with her coat on and says to me "just another minute" to which i say "ok."

i take it upon myself to wash up a bit in the bathroom while waiting(total time of about 30 seconds) and i come out and i never see her again. so i trudge back to my hotel at 5am and sleep for three hours before waking up hungover and feeling like shit for my last day of the conference.

now i am not sad about what happened although i beat myself up about it for awhile afterwards because quite simply i took a chance and had some vindication that some girl, partially, found my charms irresistible.
omg i bet she was looking for you and you were in the bathroom and she thought you ditched her :(

"another shot girl who proceeded to mimic stabbing herself with my gothic amulet necklace"

that's something i would do
the_preppy said:
omg i bet she was looking for you and you were in the bathroom and she thought you ditched her :(

"another shot girl who proceeded to mimic stabbing herself with my gothic amulet necklace"

that's something i would do
that's what i thought too. but my only argument against that is that i obviousl;y waited about an hour for her to finish up and i would have expected that she wouldn't think i was so crass as to ditch her after waiting all that time. also wouldn't you look around the club before assuming someone ditched you?
yea but she can't look in the boy's room! so maybe she figured you'd be waiting by the door. besides, you didnt necessarily LOOK like you were only waiting for her. maybe she figured you stayed the hour for other reasons.
either way, there's a chance she thought she got ditched.
Wowzers, what a story! The outcome notwithstanding, Mr. Massi, you are an inspiration to all overly shy guys who don't have the balls to approach the ladies. The fact that you even asked is a victory in itself. :headbang:
lizard said:
you could always call the bar and leave a msg. How cool would it be if she called or emailed you back? that would indicate real interest.
i almost feel that would be too creepy. i have a very strict "anti-creepy" policy for how i handle myself around the women folk.