Strange request but I really need some help


May 24, 2004
One of my good friends died 2 weeks ago from a bad jet ski accident. He was in intensive care for 3 weeks before passing away. When they have the memorial they did a little thing with some pictures of him set to some really lame christian music. Me and most of his friends were not satisfied and want to make one with the type of music he loved which is metal.

Can any of you suggest some great songs that aren't too uptempo that I can use? I already have a few in mind but need more to finish it up. Thanks!
'watching over me' by iced earth
live version of 'im sorry" by evergrey
'fade to black' by metallica
'closure' by divine heresy
'watching over me' by iced earth
live version of 'im sorry" by evergrey
'fade to black' by metallica
'closure' by divine heresy

First of all, I'm terribly sorry for your friend, and wish you and all close to him strength through this.

And for the song, I'm gonna say the song I'd have them play on my memorial: Pantera - Cemetery Gates. Another strong candidate would be Pantera's Floods.
sorry man!

Priest - Close to you


although I'm thinking those really sad songs are not the ones to pic...If it was me that dies I'd want my friends to blast "wenches and mead" and get twatted in my name....because I think that'd be the times I enjoyd with my friends....being at a metalconcert or a festival etc and having fun..that are things to remember (and isn't that what a memorial is for?)
I did this for my wifes mother (not metal songs) when she died a month ago. It has been a bad 4 weeks here as my mother inlaw died then 2 mates from work were in a bad car crash and both died 2 weeks ago.
Pantera - Hollow
Just listen to the lyrics and you will understand why.
Close runner ups is:

Pantera - Cemetary Gates
Metallica - Fade To Black
sorry to hear of your loss! a friend of mine recently passed aswell. at his funeral they played timelessness by fear factory from the obsolete album and it was beautiful!! that would be my recommendation. the other suggestions are all awesome aswell!