Strangest thing you've found in your poop


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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Corn is nothing. (cue Ukrainian accent) "I skoff ehht zhoor anal kkkorn!"

I once found a quarter in my stool. Oddly enough, I didn't recall swallowing it. I HEARD the damned thing clinking in the bottom of my toilet. Just imagine my surprise. Just imagine my amusement!
ok, honestly, (and to top this so Mia has more of a chance to see it), you know those black stringy seaweed-looking things that are in hot-and-sour soup? well, let's just say they don't digest and i thought my insides were coming out once because of them.
Once my cat ate a big ball of long hairs, and when he went pooh it all dragged around behind him because most of the hairs were still up his bum. I had to pull on the log until all the hairs broke. His anus looked like a raisin squeezed between two fingers.