Throw your emotions in the toilet.

Originally posted by pagan2002
bad advice. keep your heart and only deal with the people you can trust, there are some who would never hurt you.

I am very new on this earth,i believe,but from what i know and according to the common experience,everybody is capable of anything(good,bad)and everything is possible...

I never exclude anything or anybody and i never exclude possibilities,maybe rate them lower(least possible to happen)but im always ready for everything.

Up to now,i haven't been proven wrong.On the contrary,i have seen so many friends and ppl generally crashing on the ground,cos they hadnt thought of all the possible "scenarios"...

So,i bet,this was the purpose of the advice.But in the end,everything has to do with priorities and the way you expose yourself to certain situations,eh?everybody is responsible for what he gets.and at the same time everything has been set before us for a reason.ok i'm getting deeper,hehe:P
Originally posted by Don Corleone
you give up too easily.


who said i quit?even if everything beckons failure,i stay persistent as a donkey,hahah!this is not always to my benefit tho,haha.oh well:D
well,being persistent does not mean i'm not sad and desperate(kinda)when i see everything going to hell,hehe!you did not misunderstand anything
why would you help anyone
who does'nt want it, does'nt need it
could never take your shit advice

speaking of shit advice: as advised i threw all my emotions in the toilet and now its blocked, what should I do? I'm pissing in the garden now, why did'nt someone tell me this would happen?? :(
Originally posted by Ad Infinitum...

Hey stranger! Now that you have a pc I hope we'll talk more often. Do you have msn or sth so we'll talk?

Depite I know you, you are the stranger here :p

But you posted :eek: thats the first time this year, eh?
Originally posted by Many of you !
Don't worry Don, if you're REALLY desperate you can always turn on Chedarbreed

isnt it cedarbreed?? without the "h"? lol

Nono it can be spelled many different ways He likes that, but please, don't call him Cedarbreed

Cheddarbreed is better!like the cheddar cheese,hehehehe!food

Hey seems I'm becoming a star on this forum ! Everyone's talking about me :cool:
Soon I will be too cool and I wont even bother talking to you anymore :cool:


P.S : you can take you cheddar joke back, someone cracked it LONGGGGGGGG AGO and it wont beat Bambi's ' Ciderbreath ' :grin: