Funny incident which happened in the Ladies toilet today

Yeah... Finist is really not worth anything besides a good, fun listen. As for the clean vox, I can't disagree... hiiiiiiilarious.
Erik said:
I'm not going to admit that they're actually GOOD good, but they're a really fun listen and they are obviously far more competent musicians and songwriters than some would give them credit for, the solos are cool (especially the bass solo in the last song, wtf) and the songwriting is well-done enough that with other lyrics, better vocals and proper distribution this would likely get some attention amongst power metal fans. The clean vocals are hi-fucking-larious, he just totally sucks. You know when you can't do falsetto vocals and you just kind of sing in a squeaky school girl voice while making fun of Manowar or something, well this guy seriously does that on every fucking chorus :) MOST DEFINITELY worth the 40:- for novelty value if nothing else... Let me know if you want my MP3 rip that I made today from my tape

I'm definately interested! I do, afterall, enjoy it when it sounds like someone is making fun of Manowar... Any way you could upload it somewhere, if it's not too much trouble? This sounds funny...
Hahah! This is great! I've only listened to one track yet, and I absolutely love the clean vocals as he goes:
"Yes, Aryan blood is running through our veins with the masters of our land!"
Erik said:
[insert joke about Henrik Main's sexual preference]

Why does Henrik like animals so much?

Because he's Rick who's made of hens?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why is Henrik Main a sissy?

Because he goes to hen nights.

:lol: :lol:

Why is Henrik Main bisexual?

Because hens are unisex.

One Inch Man said:
That's like saying "I've always wanted to find out what being gang-raped feels like." There is nothing cool, hip, or metal about going through that. It is 100% suck.

You're no fun :rolleyes:

So what does being gang-raped feel like?
I have a hypothesis on how to ensure that a follow up poop is an easy wipe. Say you were struggling on the toilet for many a minute wiping "fecal matter gone awry" from your walnut shaped sphere of longing. All done wiping the shit from your stank? Well keep on wiping until it is as raw as Suspiria's sashimied gorgonzola alfredo aperture of wayward scent. The next time you have to lay out a log, rest assured that it will only take a handful of wrist strokes.
Absurdly funny thread, the first page is a rock solid comedy gold bullion w/diamond studs. It's beyond me how people could dislike Profanity's anecdotes, the guy delivered the goods by the bucketloads.

I wish him all well for 2007. Here are his plans for the next year:

Well my main aim is to progress into full time work and sustain a job. I also hope to carry on with an stringent savings scheme, then oi'll be looking to buy a property to rent out. I also hope to find out more about gangland Manchester including who and where? I also hope to achieve more social fulfilment away from the internet and have sex again or even try a relationship although this would be very difficult for someone with my interactional difficulties. In september I might wish to start studying again but let's play that by ear.
Why is this story that surprising?? Almost every time Ive gotten drunk in a bar Ive ended up pushing passed all the chicks waiting in line and pissing in the sink. Took me a while to figure out that wasnt a urinal.
there was one incident at my friends birthday party where we ordered a shitload of pizza , so much that we all ended up forcing ourselves to eat 6 pieces each. All that crap took a toll on our stomachs, so when we got to his house I used the upstairs bathroom and released a dissapointing excursion. Anyways, downstairs some gets the idea to have anyone who needs to shit in the bathroom and not flush and that after every single time a person goes to shit/piss, they have to look at it. so by the end of the night there wasa disgusting elixer of shit,piss and puke. My friends were not so gross as to not wipe, so they collected all the toilet paper in a plastic bag and then through into a bunch of trees in someone under them's(their house was on a hill,with more hosues down below it) and it got everywhere and stayed till the next night apparently.

plus I saw the guy's mom's hairy vagina