Stratovarius Ticket Prices


Neuroses Facilitator
I can't confirm what they want for the rest of their tour, but Stratovarius is charging $32 a ticket for their show at the House Of Blues in Chicago. Call me a cheapass, but I think that is a little steep on their parts, especially since they have never been here before. I know they have a large catalog, but a lot of people that go to shows go based on a recommendation from a friend, but up to $40 a ticket is a bit much.

Walter_Langkowski said:
I can't confirm what they want for the rest of their tour, but Stratovarius is charging $32 a ticket for their show at the House Of Blues in Chicago. Call me a cheapass, but I think that is a little steep on their parts, especially since they have never been here before. I know they have a large catalog, but a lot of people that go to shows go based on a recommendation from a friend, but up to $40 a ticket is a bit much.


Well, I will still go, shit if I pay 30 bucks to see Styx and Reo about 5 times, I can surely pay 32 for the bend that opened the gates of euro-metal to me
Yeah, it is too much...
The ticket to see Rhapsody with Manowar in NYC is an outrageous 50 dollars.. plus ticketbastard raping fees...
All of the show in NYC at BB Kings (usual metal shows home) are 20 bucks plus the bastard fees , except nightwish was supposed to be 35.. Even Iced Earth with Bodom and Evergrey was 20... Now why they're increasing the price like that, I don't know.... It's a shame...
It might be because they it costs so much to come over to America from Europe and tour plus you might be getting a long set.
And you're seeing HOW MANY bands that are the calibur of Stratovarius? $32 is a small price to pay for a band to come from Finland, play with 2 nationals, do a full set and all of the meet/greet opportunities that usually present themselves in small US clubs. Fucking Warrant, Great White and Firehouse was $49 in Pittsburgh. $32 for Strat is a steal.
Yeah after seeing the expensive $50 Rhapsody/Manowar tickets, $30 for Strato seems fair to me. I might end up not being able to go see Rhapsody at that price...
woosta said:
And you're seeing HOW MANY bands that are the calibur of Stratovarius? $32 is a small price to pay for a band to come from Finland, play with 2 nationals, do a full set and all of the meet/greet opportunities that usually present themselves in small US clubs. Fucking Warrant, Great White and Firehouse was $49 in Pittsburgh. $32 for Strat is a steal.

If it were 1999 still I would completely agree with you. But, it is 2005, we have a monkey in the White House and the U.S. Dollar is shit compared to the Euro. That means that Europeans have the exchange rate in their favor BIGTIME. So it is MUCH cheaper for them to come here than vice-versa.

I know that they don't have any control over TicketMasterBater, but still they need to factor than into the final equation. If they are doing the same size venues as the HOB in Chicago (about 1100 sold out) on the rest of the tour, then I just don't see the tour being a sell out.

As much as we as fans would like to assume that there are tens of thousands of Strat fans in the U.S., I just don't see that as the case right now. First time over, your ticket cost should be reflective of that. Just my $0.02.
This "monkey" in the whitehouse has little to do with the value of the Dollar to the Euro. Congress and Alan Greenspan do though, as well as economic performance in Europe(gasp!). Just an fyi.
I think $32 is a basement bargain to see Stratovarius. They would like to make some money i would assume. Whoever was going to go see them is going regadless of whether the price is $20, $25, or $32. and you are right, it is not 1999, and costs have gone up. I am just grateful that they are finally taking a chance and giving the U.S. a shot.
I figured that the tickets were going to be up there just because it is at the House of Blues, but that is not going to hold me back from going. It could be worse. Like said before, those Rhapsody and Manowar tickets are outrageous. Thanx a lot rhapsody! :loco:

Stay Metal! \m/
saMetal :headbang:
Expensive compared to other club shows? Maybe. But there is no way I'll miss Strat or Manowar/Rhapsody because the tickets are $30-50. Come on, these bands will be lucky if they make a penny to take home with them!

Remember, it is 2005, and the might USD is worth about $.70 compared to the Euro (and don't forget when the Euro was first introduced, the USD was actually worth MORE!).

Then again, maybe I'll save my money to see U2 for $250 or Madonna for $400! :headbang:
bhcompy said:
This "monkey" in the whitehouse has little to do with the value of the Dollar to the Euro. Congress and Alan Greenspan do though, as well as economic performance in Europe(gasp!). Just an fyi.
Exactly. If the idiots at the Federal Reserve would quit bad mouthing the dollar there might be a big rally. The US economy is just fine, thank you.

Stratovarius isn't coming over here to lose money just so their American fans can see them live. $32 for a concert, esp. for a band that doesn't tour here, is not high at all.
$32 is not bad actually. And if you want to avoid Ticketwhore charges just pick up a ticket at the HOB box office. I believe the ticket price has more to do with The House Of Blues than it does the bands. Every HOB event I've been to has been in the $30-$60 range. Count your blessings that there even coming. I bet you wouldn't be complaining if you were paying $32 for Evergrey!! Lousy Swedish band anyway, lol, just kidding Walter.
$32 is nothing if you like the band.

The reason the dollar is shit is because the monkey in the White House put us in huge debt. Remember who writes the budgets?

Greenspan is a monkey lover, btw.
They deserve $100 a ticket, but realistically they wouldn't sell that many if they charged that much. Their manager and the venue probably just figured that $32 was the optimum price for making money while still attracting enough people.
$32 is nothing when I expect there'll be week night shows at some venues were only 30 people show up. Less than $1000.00 split between them, their openers, and the crew hardly seems worth flying over from Europe for, does it?

I think Glenn needs to lock this thread before the "Monkey" thing turns into a nasty flame war.
30 people? Can it really get that bad? I remember that Blind Guardian packed the house in a club I went to, and it was a Tuesday. Had to be about 400 people.