Streaming of Exodus in studio

In the first studio report that Nuclear Blast just released on their Youtube page (link also in the blabbermouth article above), you can see an ENGL Savage being used and mr Gary Holt digging it.
I'm curious to know if it's gonna make it on the final mix.
I see andy is still using the same setup as he did for the last Exodus recordings.

Awesome stuff.

1 57 + DI track, I presume Andy?
yeah i have my 002 and laptop, just running the api A2D into the spdif. 1 x 57 and a DI, set up in my room, cab 3 floors down in garys room, which proved fun doing dive bombs at 4.30am first morning.
Hey Andy, what do you use to connect head and cab? A very long speaker cable and doors closed to isolate the sound? Do you cover the cab/mic with a blanket like the last album?
Looking the first studio report it seems also there was a mic for every cymbal