Street Team e-mailing list!


Feb 2, 2002
Please just contact me (see my signature) if you'd like to join the Official Anthrax Street Team!
jdelpi said:
This is a great idea. Tad, I am proud to know you.

NP: Rush - 2112

Perhaps you could STICK this thread up there?

BTW- I'd like to thank JUSTIN for making this e-mail list possible...
I'm very sad to hear about Frankie not being a part of Anthrax. It breaks my heart. I just hope with some space, time and rest things will go back the way they were. To me Frankie has always been a HUGE part in making Anthrax what they are today. He will be deeply missed by myself and I'm sure many, many others. I love you Frankie...Kisses to you :(
I Don't Die said:
Where The Fucks The Aussie Street Team?????
It's in Australia! :grin:
Just e-mail me your home mailing address, and I'll get you on the Australian Street Team.
what does being on the street team actually involve?

i would love to join and help out a great band, but where i live i doubt anthrax will ever play (i live in scotland, uk, if they play in scotland at all they will only play one date, which is a good few hours drive away) so im not sure what me being on the street team would actually mean... as me handing out flyers wouldnt be any use really (unless promoting and album or something i guess) and there are no radio stations nearby that would even contemplate playing anthrax (yup, it does indeed suck)

442 said:
what does being on the street team actually involve?
Flyers for concerts and albums. And voting/requesting Anthrax on the internet and radio.
Have you seen the recent tour dates?
If you're interested, just e-mail me your full name and home mailing address.
442 said:
i would love to join and help out a great band, but where i live i doubt anthrax will ever play (i live in scotland, uk, if they play in scotland at all they will only play one date, which is a good few hours drive away)
I live in Washington State. First time saw Anthrax drove 2+ hours, and the other time, I drove 3+ hours, then flew for another 3+ hours, 4 hour drive to the venue. Anyway to help out is good.
FrankFreak said:
I'm very sad to hear about Frankie not being a part of Anthrax. It breaks my heart. I just hope with some space, time and rest things will go back the way they were. To me Frankie has always been a HUGE part in making Anthrax what they are today. He will be deeply missed by myself and I'm sure many, many others. I love you Frankie...Kisses to you :(

in the new interview on the anthrax website, charlie said this is a trial seperation, and they are going to try and get him back in the band.