string recs for Bb

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
hey there....
I wanna tune one of my guitars to Bb/A# to see how it works with my Band's songs....
so far we've been tuning to C standard and I was using an Ernie Ball Beefy slinky set, which was the perfect match AND it had the plain G string (I really prefer that for dive bombs etc).

What would you recommend for a Bb standard tuning? (6 string guitar)....would the "not even slinky" be heavy enough? those have a plain G-string, so I'd be interested in them.
any experiences?
which strings are you using for that tuning?
I don't recommeng a plain g- string in that tuning. I used not even slinky set in c-tuning and the g-string (024 iirc) was horrible. It had barely any sustain and sounded crappy too.
Yeah, I tried a .20p for the G-string in C-standard (so the Eb string, technically :D), and hated it, so fucking thin and twangy sounding - I dunno, maybe a thicker plain wouldn't be as bad, but I play enough chord stuff using that string to really prefer the warmth of a wound string! (and a .22w in that tuning is still slack enough for my bending needs, though I don't have a guitar with a Floyd atm :( So I can't comment on the dive bombs)
hm, the plain on the beefy slinky set was perfect for C standard tuning....but that might be different with the thick g-string on the not even slinkies.....
looks like I'll have to live with a wound string :( I hate wound g-strings!!!!!
You just have to get yourself a 7-string with floyd ;)

I thought about that...the problem: I have like 6 VERY good guitars (I'm talking about the 2000-4000€ Range), and it wouldn't make any sense to get a 7-string of lesser quality.....but I don't wanna (or am able to) spend that much money for a 7-string,,,,,I hate them, guitars have 6 strings!
If you like the feel of 10s in standard, you're 6 half steps down from there so you would probably want to start on a 16. Also, I was fine with a 56 for my low B on my long scale baritone guitar but when I switched to a Les Paul I ended up having to use a 64 because of the reduced tension. So scale length will also make a big difference!
13's running down to atleast a 60. Chuck a wound on, you're too low for a plain imo, just get used to the slightly different feel. Squeals shouldn't sound much different? Intonation can become a bitch on 25.5" down there. Hope it works out for you cause that last step from C is a massive step!
13's running down to atleast a 60. Chuck a wound on, you're too low for a plain imo, just get used to the slightly different feel. Squeals shouldn't sound much different? Intonation can become a bitch on 25.5" down there. Hope it works out for you cause that last step from C is a massive step!

yeah, the intonation is one of my concerns's perfectly fine tuned to C, but it was kinda off when I tracked a band tuned to Bb recently....
I nthought they were pushing down too hard.....I guess I'll just have to try it
The g-string on Beefy Slinky set sounds like banjo. If you want to tune down to A#, the only good option is to use the lowest 5 strings from a regular .10 or .11 set and get a massive string for A#, at least a .58
loves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in Cloves a 54 in C
Does any string brand offer something like 13-60 set with unwound g ? 13,18,22,32,46,60 would be ideal set for me