Stringrays Kill Again


Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY

tl;dr - A 75 pound spotted eagle ray jumped out of the water and hit a 57 year old woman in the face. The woman was riding in the front seat of a boat that was going about 25 miles per hour. She and the ray both died.
Stingray kills woman on boat in Florida Keys
75-pound fish jumps, strikes her in face as boat travels at 25 mph; ray dies

MARATHON, Fla. - A 75-pound stingray killed a Michigan woman Thursday when it flew out of the water and struck her face as she rode a boat in the Florida Keys, officials said.

Judy Kay Zagorski, of Pigeon, Mich., was sitting in the front seat of a boat going 25 mph when the spotted eagle ray, with a wingspan of 5 to 6 feet, leaped out of the water, said Jorge Pino, spokesman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

The 57-year-old woman's father was driving the boat on the Atlantic Ocean side of Vaca Key, Pino said.

"He had absolutely no warning. It just happened instantaneously," Pino said.

The collision knocked Zagorski backward onto the floor of the boat, Pino said.

The impact likely killed the woman, and she did not appear to have puncture wounds from the ray's barb, Pino said. An autopsy is planned, Pino said.

Zagorski's sister was standing next to her when the stingray appeared but was not injured, Pino said.

The stingray died from the impact, officials said.

Spotted eagle rays can weigh 500 pounds and have a wingspan of up to 10 feet. They are known to occasionally jump out of the water but are not aggressive and use the venomous barb at the end of their tail for defense.

The rays are protected in Florida waters and are typically seen swimming on the water's surface.

"Rays jump to escape a predator, give birth and shake off parasites," said Lynn Gear, supervisor of fishes and reptiles at Theater of the Sea in Islamorada. "They do not attack people."

In 2006, a South Florida man was also critically injured when a stingray flopped into his boat and stung him. James Bertakis, 82, of Lighthouse Point, underwent surgery because the stingray left a foot-long barb in his heart. He has since recovered.
The article did mention the mans heart was made of the same material as his testicles: pure fucking iron.
For some reason, that accident doesn't sound all that serious to me. I can't imagine someone dying just because some animal jumped out of the water and smacked them on the face. That's pretty fuckin' lame.
Except it was "some animal" that weighed 75 pounds and hit her in the face at 25 mph. That's a pretty considerable amount of force to be hit in the face with.
In the name of the Crocodile Hunter we shall bring warfare up the stingrays and all that they love. Their seabeds shall be burned, their oceans drained, their children ground up in motorboat propellers! This is war!
Can't you see their evil plan? They want to torture us. First they killed Steve Irwin and now this women? This is madness! They started the war. If we don't act now this could be the end of humanity. Right now as I am typing this they are planning the mass genocide of the human race. They will take out all of us. Then they will go for other species like tigers, or wolves, or spiders. We must kill every one we see! If you see one capture it, torture it for information.