
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom

Wouldn't get too hung up on Towelie if I were you, he has a tendancy towards rather dry sarcasm, it's often hard to tell he's kidding (well, atleast it is for me..... :loco: ).

Although he was a little harsh.....

But maybe he was kidding......

Any, I got your joke :)

A ray of light in an otherwise cruel forum! :grin: (kidding!!!) I guess I should spell it out for some people....
Fear : large groups of people i dont know, who for whatever reason expect me to be good/cool/etc...
Originally posted by Jayde
Tenebrose: is your avatar that chick from Kittie?

I do not look like Mercedes Lander.... :bah:
Aside from the fact that we don't look alike *grumble*, she has facial piercings, which I don't.

Like Oyo said... the picture is of myself. I'm quite certain of this. It was indicated the last time I took a look in the mirror.