Can someone descibe 'Pain of Salvation'


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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I've heard many great things about this Swedish band. Is anyone here a fan? If so, can you please describe them?

I have read, however, that the vocalist is a "love it or hate it" affair, that his vocals are either 'pure god', or the worst thing this side of James LaBrie circa 1994!, depending upon your point of view.

Can someone please shed some light on this band!??!
Emotional. That's the very definition of the band.
Also,very brilliant and skilled players,who still manage to shine in songwriting.
Gildenlöw doesn't sound anything like LaBrie if you ask me,but I guess some people find him and his lyrics too melodramatic. I don't know,I love them.
All their albums are concept albums as you might know,great concepts all of them dealing with different matters,but mainly love,despair,hate and all in between with some views on the society and religion.
People keep saying that Remedy Lane is the easiest one to get into,though it's probably their most technical album since their debut,Entropia. I gotta agree with them anyway. I got into PoS with Remedy Lane myself and I've seen lots of people love it the moment they gave it a shot. So try downloading Remedy Lane or giving it a spin in the local store.
One great thing about their albums is that you keep finding new things about them even if it's your 43694864th listen.
Probably the best band in Sweden along with Opeth. Same with the singers.
It's different from The Perfect Element I guess...a little tiny bit more instrument driven than TPE IMO and as Daniel has stated it's partly autobiographical.
I I actually don't find that many differences. Both have a pretty sexual,complicated lovestory as the concept,but I guess the one in TPE is a bit more "on the whole" kinda thing,concentrating more on the society side of it and Remedy Lane is more personal.
Both have the greatest booklets ever by the way. Remedy Lane especially is so amazing with all the poems and photography/3d images. Makes owning the original album a whole lot more special.

Daniel's/Hallgren's solos are fabulous as usual on Remedy Lane too...A Trace Of Blood/Second Love/Beyond The Pale have solos comparable to those of Song For The Innocent/The Perfect Element IMO.
Pain of Salvation is my favorite band along with Opeth. My favorite album is The Perfect Element, but for a new fan I think Remedy Lane would be better. As for the vocals, they are amazing, so emotional.

Seriously, buy their albums, you won't regret it. They are all great.
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I just started listening to remedy lane a lot and im blown away. they can switch from this strange, chaotic off tempo style to an incredibly emotional well...epic...sound that just works. Chain Sling is my favorite song on the album, and easily one of the top 5 songs i've ever heard.
I think the emotion on Turn Loose The Swans is VERY different...I haven't heard the In The Woods album.
For me,the emotion lies more in the lyrics/vocals than in the music (though the music accompanies them perfectly...),where as the emotion on Turn Loose... might be more in the music.
Then again,they have a ton of riffs that make you air-guitar through the whole damn thing and the solos are just absolutely heart-wrecking. Just get an album man.

I think all of their albums are much more emotional than Turn Loose,but obviously you seem to consider it more emotional than I do. :) It's an amazing album though.
They're definitely too skilled to stay in the shade of say,Dream Theater.
Hi, bored at work here, and thought I should add my opinion. I start with saying that I only have (heard) Perfect Element, and that I am not sharing the overall musical taste of the "average" progmetalfan.

My opinion on Perfect Element is that it is awfully boring. When I hear it, it's almost like I wish I had some household chores to do to cheer things up a bit.

But I guess that SoundMaster is more of an "average" progmetalfan than me, so don't you bother about my ramblings here.

Thank you all for the comments.

I purchased "Perfect Element part I" today. I must say I'm very impressed (so far.....have listened to the first 5 tracks 3 times each).
This is NOT what I expected. I expected the neo-progressive wankery that's generally the agenda for most bands labelled as 'progressive'. I also, honestly, did NOT expect the emotion that this record generates - again, as I find ZERO emotion is most bands that fall into this neo-progressive category.

The singer's voice is everywhere - at times he reminds me of Swano; at others of the 'deep voice' of Queensryche's Geoff Tate. And the occasional high screem (of which I've heard but twice, or thrice maybe) would fit perfectly on classic Priest, circa 1978.

Good stuff. I hope the remainder of the album is as promising. If so, "Remedy Lane" awaits!
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Pain of Salvation are one of the most highly underrated bands. DT and SX always get the spotlight for prog's best band, and Pain of Salvation is often overlooked.

Daniel Gildenlow is such an amazing singer and the emotion and everything. It's amazing.
Daniel is a master at using his voice as an instrument and he pours his heart into each note he sings...and the rest of the band are very technically adept, but they always use their abilities to serve the song...listening to their albums have always been a rewarding and intensely personal experience for me.