Can someone descibe 'Pain of Salvation'

I didn't like em so much before this thread was started but I decided to listen to Remedy Lane again and its pretty good now. It has its moments but I don't think the vocalist is in the same league as some power metal ones. As far as technical goes I don't think they come close to DT's but could get up there if they wanted to sacrifice their songwriting. Or maybe something blocked my mind from liking them after going to their site once and seeing the antiwar shit. Which I didn't like at all. My hats off to the solos in this album though, their great.
DreamingofUr said:
I didn't like em so much before this thread was started but I decided to listen to Remedy Lane again and its pretty good now. It has its moments but I don't think the vocalist is in the same league as some power metal ones. As far as technical goes I don't think they come close to DT's but could get up there if they wanted to sacrifice their songwriting. Or maybe something blocked my mind from liking them after going to their site once and seeing the antiwar shit. Which I didn't like at all. My hats off to the solos in this album though, their great.
I'm grateful that they aren't sacrificing their songwriting,cause the technical things are something that I notice with each new listen,they're not so...right in your face as with DT. Train Of Thought is mostly just unlistenable cause Petrucci's (and the others') solos are horrendous.
The good thing with their war lyrics is that they're not patriotic. They're just anti-war,which I don't mind. It's not like they're making an album like Iced Earth's The Glorious Burden is. One Hour By The Concrete Lake has so much more elements and sides to the lyrics than just war itself.
Now,about some power metal vocalists having a better voice...well,it's your opinion,but I can guarantee you that no power metal vocalist has a better range than Gildenlöw. Not even Matt Barlow (since IE is generally considered power metal). So you're right,he's not in the same league. ;)

Can't wait for BE. :)
The use of the website to promote an antiwar stance did alienate a few people, but as you pointed out, their politically oriented lyrics are intelligently written and usually focus on the effect of war on individuals...I have no problem with Daniel incorporating his political persuasion into his music.
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DreamingofUr said:
Kotipelto and Kiske? No way in hell does he top either of them but his lyrics are definitely better then theirs, rofl. I mean shit it seems like Timo can just go on and on into oblivion on those high notes.
Uhh? As I said before,all opinions,but Kotipelto has to be one of the most annoying metal singers in the whole fucking world.
Singing high notes is supposed to be like a big feat? If Kotipelto just didn't sound so much like Tolkki had been kicking him in the nuts constantly ten minutes before the recording he might actually be ok.
well, it's about time, SoundMaster!

Pain of Salvation isn't something to be described, but to be experienced.

"BE" can't come soon enough!
TheFourthHorseman said:
Uhh? As I said before,all opinions,but Kotipelto has to be one of the most annoying metal singers in the whole fucking world.
Singing high notes is supposed to be like a big feat? If Kotipelto just didn't sound so much like Tolkki had been kicking him in the nuts constantly ten minutes before the recording he might actually be ok.

If its just opinions stfu and don't get all crybaby about it. Replying to someones opinion with opinions that contain no musical reference of your own is just lame. I'd have to say that being able to hit high notes is some form of big feat if the majority of metal singers can't do it. I mean shit Halford sucks now. Dickinson sucks now. Harper sucks. Because without those high notes their vocal personalities are pretty much shot. Or was it their accents that made them so great? I guess rappers are just as good then because they can't hit high notes and they are considered vocalists. So please tell why he is so much better then Timo again? Plz be precise because I can't make out some of the shit people try to imply. Thx.
I've been waiting so long that I've forgotten, and I haven't been arse looking it up and won't be till I hear of it's release, anyhow it's the upcoming new PoS album... they've been performing it like with a full orchestra in their home country before going into the studio to record it... I do beleive we are expecting to see it early next year.

So what does 'BE' stand for guys, seeing as I forget? :blush:
Well BE is (was,to be more specific) PoS playing a few live shows in Sweden,the concept is seemingly the story of the creation...I mean Earth and stuff,and Daniel plays God's role for example. And a bunch of others...Mr. Money was one that is more of today's world.

Music-wise,I think Spike actually said it all. Well all the important. Dunno what BE means.
I don't think anyone except the band (maybe not even them :tickled: ) knows what BE means.

NP: The Perfect Element. Definitly in my top 3 albums EVER.
Well, to make a long story short, the "Perfect Element" appears to be a perfect album - even the rap-metal/nu metal verses of the opening tune. I NEVER thought I'd find myself enjoying such a thing.

Anyway, I found the "PE" so good, that I rushed out to pick up "Remedy Lane" this past Saturday. All I can say is that I find "RL" to be an even stronger album. I just cant stop listening to it! "Undertow" is, as of this moment, my fav tune by this apparently perfect band!!!

So, the next question is THIS:

- are the first two releases AS GOOD ?
I've read many reviews that compare "Entropia" (is that the correct title) to Faith No More. If so, I may have to overlook it as FNM suck, imo.

And what about "One Hour"? Is it as musically strong as the more recent releases?

ps.....Progmetalfan: you recemmended PoS a few months back, and for some reason I overlooked them!?!? Well, today....thanks!
SoundMaster said:
I've read many reviews that compare "Entropia" (is that the correct title) to Faith No More. If so, I may have to overlook it as FNM suck, imo. And what about "One Hour"? Is it as musically strong as the more recent releases?
Do you or do you not want to hear great music? That is the question you ought to ask yourself.
Rap/nu-metal verses? Wtf? Lol oh well whatever,it sounds great.

Yeah anyway,if you like TPE and Remedy Lane that much I don't see how you could dislike Entropia and Concrete Lake. The production on Concrete Lake isn't that perfect though,but the albums is great anyway.
The first album (Entropia) is just perhaps more extreme. In the sense that a song like Stress wouldn't be a good PoS starter. I dunno,I like Entropia & Concrete Lake almost as much as TPE & Remedy Lane,but they're a little bit different.