Pain of Salvation

Dante's Inferno said:
Recommend a song for a POS-noob?

'Idioglossia', 'Ashes', 'Iter Impius', 'The Big Machine'...

But you should rather listen to the whole album, for example 'Perfect Element'or 'Be'. WHOLE, and at least three times!
PoS is better than Opeth as far as songwriting but Opeth can write somewhat more complex riffs, though are a bit lacking in originality... Opeth and PoS are my favorite bands, I count them both as #1 - So when people ask me what my favorite band is, I say "Opeth and Pain of Salvation!"

Getting used to pain getting used to pain
Getting used to pain DO DOOO DOO PEE DOOBIE DOOO!!111One.

I learned how to play the bass for Dae Pecunae <-- awesome song. :)
Oinkness said:
Opeth and PoS are my favorite bands, I count them both as #1 - So when people ask me what my favorite band is, I say "Opeth and Pain of Salvation!"

Crazy...thats how I answered the same question a week ago. These bands aren't very similar. So yeah, thats crazy I guess. And I can play some PoS on keyboards.
Sounds awesome, but what do you guys mean by their a band of concepts? What do you mean by your going to have to listen to an entire album? I haven't picked up their albums yet, but tomorrow I'll make the vist to my local record store.

You don't get a sense of awesomeness just by hearing single tracks?
Pain of Salvation are the only other band that competes with Opeth in terms of appreciation of music in all levels. emoitionally, musically.

Just remove all "false pretenses" when listening open yourself up to the music, dont think omg he pretends to be different characters thats so lame or cheesey. Just understand what hes creating
i love PoS... i think they are one of the more progressive bands out there these days, and despite some over-criticism and over-rating, they are quite deserving of their praise.
A Reason To Sing said:
Sounds awesome, but what do you guys mean by their a band of concepts? What do you mean by your going to have to listen to an entire album? I haven't picked up their albums yet, but tomorrow I'll make the vist to my local record store.

You don't get a sense of awesomeness just by hearing single tracks?

The "sense of awesomeness" should hit you from the very first track (excluding ANIMAE PARTUS for obvious reasons). But you should be prepared to listen to the entire album. Every song leads into the next, so just picking a random song could leave you lost.

Every album is a concept album.
The first and second album deal with world issues.
The third and fourth deal with personal or psychological issues.
Be is like a theology where God is just as cluless as we are. It goes through a cycle of creation/destruction/rebirth.
A Reason To Sing said:
Sounds awesome, but what do you guys mean by their a band of concepts? What do you mean by your going to have to listen to an entire album? I haven't picked up their albums yet, but tomorrow I'll make the vist to my local record store.

You don't get a sense of awesomeness just by hearing single tracks?

Well you can/do, but Pain Of Salvation is, as great as their music is, completely MADE by their lyrics and concepts. Hearing single songs out of context diminishes the lyrical impact of the whole thing because you don't see how it relates to the story. Plus, the flow and arrangement of the albums is really, REALLY good. They build albums, not songs, like most bands. Another thing is, it does take quite a long time to start figuring out all the lyrics, and i think that is why they are considered "overrated" and not really that great. They write some of the best lyrics i've ever heard, and that is what pushes them way over the edge when compared to other bands for me. Most bands i couldn't give two shits about the lyrics, because they just aren't that good. Opeth included for the most part. Pain Of Salvation... i feel it would be a criminal injustice for someone not to know the lyrics and understand the concept behind each album... you'd be missing so much of the point.