In my dream...
Mumblefood said:Well you can/do, but Pain Of Salvation is, as great as their music is, completely MADE by their lyrics and concepts. Hearing single songs out of context diminishes the lyrical impact of the whole thing because you don't see how it relates to the story. Plus, the flow and arrangement of the albums is really, REALLY good. They build albums, not songs, like most bands. Another thing is, it does take quite a long time to start figuring out all the lyrics, and i think that is why they are considered "overrated" and not really that great. They write some of the best lyrics i've ever heard, and that is what pushes them way over the edge when compared to other bands for me. Most bands i couldn't give two shits about the lyrics, because they just aren't that good. Opeth included for the most part. Pain Of Salvation... i feel it would be a criminal injustice for someone not to know the lyrics and understand the concept behind each album... you'd be missing so much of the point.
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