Structured, hook-laden death metal...

Dunno if anyone mentioned them, and they probably aren't that great but I love them anyway, but Insision are cool.
HEY I'M BACK! After an epic journey of pure death metal sweetness, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed checking out all the recs on this thread.:rock: However, the bands that I ABSOLUTELY FUCKIN LOVE are Bloodbath, Morbid Angel, Skinless, Blood Red Throne, Evocation, Zyklon, Panzerchrist and Unleashed. My face was like this :OMG: the whole time while listening, literally. I found out that brutal death metal (Nile, Suffocation, Dying Fetus) aint my thing, though... yet.

Glad you enjoyed! Seems like you're well on your way to finding some of the best music around, so good for you.
Gorod myspace
Thanks dude, good stuff.

[ame][/ame] Bolt Thrower is also great.
How about technical stuff...Atheist, The Faceless, Brain Drill, Pestilence.
I find that they have catchy riffs all over and are awesome in speed.
How about technical stuff...Atheist, The Faceless, Brain Drill, Pestilence.
I find that they have catchy riffs all over and are awesome in speed.

I feel like BrainDrill might be a little too brutal and intense, but worth a look.
If The Faceless, then also definitely Necrophagist. Both are pretty much pure wankery, the Faceless are slightly better.
Brain Drill is a horrible band, the members of which should die right now.

The Faceless is good. Better than more recent Necrophagist regardless.

ACK: early Illdisposed (first album) is actually not very standard at all! It's pretty damn cool stuff. Reminds me of Phlebotomized here and there.

FUCK THAT FUCKING RIFF! sticks in my fuckin head! so damn wankable..
exodus - shovel headed kill machine

maybe. not exactly death but i definitely got reminded of this when i read the description.

bloddbath is seconded.

also you might want to check out the faceless.