Studio Desks?

cheap little computer desk + monitor stands + separate homemade rack = FTW

+1 to this, but unfortunately for me it's due to financial feasibility, not desire :(

Wal Mart sells (or used to sell) these microwave stands that are PERFECT fits for rack rails. They are like 19.99 for the cart and you can get a 6 space above the self and another 6 or 8 below.

I have an Ikea "build your own" desk setup and shelf system my monitors sit on.
well yea...a nicer desk would be awesome, but my shit is 100% comfortable and fuctional, and at a total cost of like $50!

i made the rack from plywood, and put some 14U rails in it

computer desk was a desk + bookshelf combo @ walmart for $20. always buy this sort of shit in august if you can, when it's real cheap for all the back-to-schoolers and college kids

then the monitor stands were basically free when MF had a botched promo on their site where they came free with the purchase of a $9 guitar strap!
I'm talking to a nashville, tn based company about getting this desk custom built for me(with a different finish).


I'm a bit sketchy on it since i found the guy through craigslist, but he's worked with some fairly large studios(The Sound Kitchen). Maybe i'll hit up some of his previous clients to inquire about the build quality. Just trying to work this thing out to a price i can afford at the moment.
Does it seem like the monitor stands are kind of wide on this?

I really like this desk though and i'm curious about the price.

Here is the PDF info of the desk.

The price from KK Audio is between $3300 and $3800 depending on size and finish. I'm going with the MDW 2-120 design and the MDW 2-96 size. The price the custom shop in Nashville quoted me was $1650, which includes the finish of my choice, as well as delivery and setup. Supposedly only 5 to 10 days for build time.

The monitors do seem like they would be a bit too far apart on the larger version(the whole thing is 10 feet wide!). I'm going for the smaller version(only around 8 ft), so it should be right around the same width i have them apart right now...maybe just a tad wider. If it's really a problem, i'll just keep the monitors on my stands and put them at a width i'm use to.

I'm inquiring about the specifics of the build as well as quality questions right now, so i'll update if i go with this company.

If you are any good with a saw, I'd say build it yourself brother. That model looks pretty cool,,and fairly easy to build. 2 side units, a tabletop and 2 angled top racks (I'll have to save that pic for future ref. when I go to build myself a new one.:kickass:)

I built mine in just 4 nights tinkering after work. I modeled mine after this Omnirax desk

At that time they were 1999.00 +250 shipping:yow: so I just did it myself

If you do make one yourself, do yourself a favor like I did and build it as 2 side units and the center is just technically shelving,, that way it can be disassembled and moved very easily and through standard sized doorways no less.
I did have to I cut the top racks down allot though,,don't know what I was thinking:loco:



But anyway,, Yeah man you could build that desk for WAY less $$$$$ than they want in that PDF.
Got a link to the craigslist ad for the builder in Nashville ? I'd like to see some of their prices., out of curiosity:heh:.

It's cool your just south of Huntsville,, me too(west of Arab) maybe one day our paths will cross:headbang:

christ, 3 grand for a desk. I'm sure it's nice and all, but seriously, guys? you have that much money laying around? makes me wonder what kind of cars you guys are driving. haha

If you are any good with a saw, I'd say build it yourself brother. That model looks pretty cool,,and fairly easy to build. 2 side units, a tabletop and 2 angled top racks (I'll have to save that pic for future ref. when I go to build myself a new one.:kickass:)

I built mine in just 4 nights tinkering after work. I modeled mine after this Omnirax desk

At that time they were 1999.00 +250 shipping:yow: so I just did it myself

If you do make one yourself, do yourself a favor like I did and build it as 2 side units and the center is just technically shelving,, that way it can be disassembled and moved very easily and through standard sized doorways no less.
I did have to I cut the top racks down allot though,,don't know what I was thinking:loco:



But anyway,, Yeah man you could build that desk for WAY less $$$$$ than they want in that PDF.
Got a link to the craigslist ad for the builder in Nashville ? I'd like to see some of their prices., out of curiosity:heh:.

It's cool your just south of Huntsville,, me too(west of Arab) maybe one day our paths will cross:headbang:


You have a pretty cool studio layout bud. Do you have a website or myspace? You're definitely only about a stones throw away haha.

unfortunately i dont have any skill with the saw or woodworking haha. I know my limits with that sort of thing.

^^Where does the 3 grand figure come from??

Check out the below quote. It was the KK Audio price

Here is the PDF info of the desk.

The price from KK Audio is between $3300 and $3800 depending on size and finish. I'm going with the MDW 2-120 design and the MDW 2-96 size. The price the custom shop in Nashville quoted me was $1650, which includes the finish of my choice, as well as delivery and setup. Supposedly only 5 to 10 days for build time.
You have a pretty cool studio layout bud. Do you have a website or myspace? You're definitely only about a stones throw away haha.

Thanks for the comps brother, :kickass:

Naa,, no website just a couple "tone test" posts for my Axe-FX on soundclick, and just a BS Myspace that I rarely ever check:lol:

Maybe we can hook up one day.

BTW,, did you ever fix the 1?? something Hz problem you were having?
I can probably help you with that.
