

New Metal Member
Hey everybody!!

Today we entered studio Wonderland to start the recording of the 4:th SW-album.
Everything went really good and I´m a very glad that I had Johan, Andreas B. and Kyrrt by my side today.
Today we were supposed to arrange everything so we could start the recording tomorrow but it all went so smooth that I actually nailed the first song today. :loco:

Here are some pics from today:

Stay tuned in for more updates!!

The journey continues...

Hi y'all!

Hope all is well and that you like the new forum-layout. Consider it a hint at where we are going...

Things are progressing in the studio but rather slow due to a multitude of factors. The most important thing is of course that everything is sounding as it should and of that I am sure.

Here are some stupid clips from the studio, just to show you our beautiful faces without revealing too much (yet).


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Good and funny stuff, guys.
That 13/8 song has a nice and uplifting rythm - sounds good to me!!

I noticed the change in the design. A spider and a lot of numbers; some numbers are written like it should be - like the big IV - and some numbers are 'mirrored'. Yeah, it's pretty clear now where you guys are going with this album........:p

Keep having fun in the studio.......:kickass:
Swedish guide:
(in chronological order)

['taaeeek] = thaaaaaanks!

[a'haa 'hei] = oh, hi!

['kopla in over head 'mikarna pa tva nua 'ka'naler] = connect the over head microphones to two new channels

[mmm] = mmm (however since it was Kyrt who said it, it should most likely be interpreted as "what a bad idea")

['det 'kan 'vi 'prova 'men] = we could try that, but...

[ja e helt 'sloot] = I'm exhausted

[e de inte kul att 'spela in ny 'skiva?] = isn't it fun to record a new album? (with porly concealed sarcasm)

[aaah de e saa 'rolit, de e saa 'rolit, de e 'jate 'rolit] = oh, it's so much fun, it's so much fun, it's hilarious

I will try to set up subtitles the next time... :)
Wow, thanks for that Andreas. That's awesome!

I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything though: i just love learning languages, and the scandinavian ones sound like a lot of fun. Besides, the video had more than enough english in it already :)
You know, my intention was in fact to get some subtitles in there, but long hours in the studio prevented that for this time... :erk:

Seriously though, I will try to make sure the meaning comes across even though most of it is bound to be silly stuff! :loco:
Hi folks!!
So, the recording-session continous. I've laid down round 35% of the tracks so I'm a bit late on the schedule but no worries, the
album will however kick major ass.
I'm starting to get a picture of what it's gonna sound like and I like it alot!!
Now I'm of to bed to recharge the batteries so we can continue the battle in the studio tomorrow. :)
Over and out...

The studio can be rather rough place to be at times, and today was rough... :erk:

Anyway, we'll be back tomorrow with spirits high again, no doubt.

Today Johnny continued working on what we may call "the long one" and I guess we are about half way through that one. Three other songs are nailed drum wise and Kyrt has begun laying down some keyboard tracks at his home studio.

If all things go as planned it might be time to turn on the bass amp come Monday. I am very excited about that since I feel rather well prepared and am also looking forward to the first chance to record in our own studio. One of the cool things in the midst of all hard work when recording an album is hearing your visions come to life piece by piece and slowly but surely. Once the agony is behind us I think we'll have something beautiful in our hands.

Thanks for sticking with us and for cheering on us.

Nice Andreas! Can´t wait to listen something of your hard work :)
And I really hope that "the long one" can turn into a real masterpiece...
Good luck!
Well, we are making progress slowly but surely and of course a lot of things keep popping up that we didn't think about since it is the first run in our own studio.

Anyways, the drumming is paused for a while as Johnny isn't all too well and we are working with producer-related stuff and some final practising and arrangements in the mean time. I hope I can post some more drum vids within the next couple of days.

We were supposed to start with the bass last Sunday but it has been post poned a week and hopefully I get to start on this upcoming Sunday.

Kyrt has worked on the keyboard tracks for two of the songs that Johnny recorded first, one of which is a rather straight forward rocker with some cool licks and the other is a pretty weird piece that I am sure will give the progsters a hard on.

Then I guess Kyrt will dig into the long one once that is edited and ready for progress and once Kyrt has most of that done -then it is full speed ahead for the bass and me and Kyrt will record simultaneously for a while before the axeman enters.

More stuff soon....
Hope Johnny will get well soon! Always better to have as little delays as possible, cos you'll run into things anyways along the way. Hope it won't delay you guys for too much, and that you did calculate in some delay in the planning anyways!
Hi all!
I´m done!! ;)
I've laid down the last drumtrack and it's Andreas B.´s turn to continue the work in the studio.
Without revealing to much I have too say that this album will appeal whoever listens to it.
We're breaking new grounds and you better be ready for a new work of art!! :)
Have a rock ´n roll weekend everybody!!

See ya later...

Good to see you're back and healthy again.
Even the drumming is done; enjoy your rest, Johnny!

All the best to Andreas now for recording some awesome basslines......:headbang: