Studio One/ Cubase issue!! Help??


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Getting an odd issue... I'm exporting tracks so I can mix in Cubase. When I import the wave, the sample rate is fine, correct pitch/ speed.. But the track sounds doubled, like it's running through a delay. But... When I play it in Media Player, it plays back perfectly fine!

It's driving me insane and I've tried so many things when exporting to try troubleshoot it >_<
It sounds like the track could be playing out of 2 outputs? Maybe the main o/p and an internal bus at the same time, causing latency in one of the signals and giving you that doubling effect?
Nope, definitely not that. I imported other random files in, and it was fine... It's JUST purely these ones from Studio One :\